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Bibframe Instance

In huddle. Washington, D.C., Feb. 21. Assistant Secretary of State Francis B. Sayre, left, in a huddle with Senator Key Pittman following Sayre's Appearance before the Senate Territorial and Insular Affairs Committee today in support of amendments to the Tydings-McDuffie Independence Act. Sayre told the Committee vital interests of the U.S. in the Far East were concerned in the disposition of the Philippines, 2-21-39
Identified By
Lccn: 2016875064
Local: hec2009012805 (assigner)
Physical details: glass Applies To: Applies To: all
Title from unverified caption data received with the Harris & Ewing Collection.
General information about the Harris & Ewing Collection is available at
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4 x 5 in. or smaller
1 negative
Provision Activity
Publication: United States 1939
Publication: 1939 February 21
single unit
Usage And Access Policy
No known restrictions on publication. For more information, see Harris & Ewing Photographs - Rights and Restrictions Information
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Acquisition Source
DLC Stock Number:LC-DIG-hec-26107 (digital file from original negative)