The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Instances

Bibframe Instance

Baltimore, Md. For each block of 1,000 social security account applications 'work' cards are prepared. One work card is made for each operation incident to seeting up individual accounts and necessary indexes. The photograph above shows a worker in the Social Security Board Records Office at work at the 'visible control' rack. Each card in this rack represents an operation completed on one block[?] of applications. By glancing at each compartment in the rack, the number of operations completed can be estimated at once
Identified By
Lccn: 2016878122
Local: hec2009015935 (assigner)
Physical details: glass Applies To: Applies To: all
Title from unverified caption data received with the Harris & Ewing Collection.
Date based on date of negatives in same range.
General information about the Harris & Ewing Collection is available at
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4 x 5 in. or smaller
1 negative
Provision Activity
Publication: United States 1938
Publication: [1937 or 1938]
single unit
Usage And Access Policy
No known restrictions on publication. For more information, see Harris & Ewing Photographs - Rights and Restrictions Information
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Acquisition Source
DLC Stock Number:LC-DIG-hec-29238 (digital file from original negative)