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Bibframe Instance

Some treasure fetched out of rubbish; or three short but seasonable treatises (found in an heap of scattered papers), which providence hath reserved for their Service, who desire to be instructed, from the Word of God, concerning the imposition and use of Significant Ceremonies in the worship of God. viz. I. A Discourse upon I. Cor. 14. 40 Let all things be done decently and in order, Tending to search put the Truth in this Question, viz. Whether it be lawful for Church-Governours to command indifferent decent things in the Administration of God's Worship
Identified By
Lccn: unk83004556
Physical details: cm.
1 v.
Provision Activity
Publication: England 1660
Publication: London: 1660
Responsibility Statement
By John Cotton. II. An Enquiry whether the church may not in the Celebration of the Sacrament, use other Rites significative than those expressed in the Scripture, or add to them of her own authority? [By John Cotton] III. Three arguments, syllogistically propounded and prosecuted against the Surplice; the Cross in Baptism: and Kneeling in the Act of receiving the Lord's Supper. [By Robert Nichols] ...
single unit