Bibframe Work
The dethe of Blaunche the duchesse (three texts)
The Compleynte to Pite (three texts)
Parlement of foules (six texts)
Compleynt of Mars (six texts)
An A B C, or Alphabetic hymn to the Virgin (six texts)
The mother of God (three texts)
Anelida and Arcite (six texts)
The former age (two texts)
Adam Scrivener (two texts)
The house of Fame (four texts)
The legend of good women (six texts)
Truth (six texts)
The compleynt of Venus (six texts)
Enoy to Scogan (three texts)
Marriage, or Bukton (three texts)
Gentilesse (six texts)
Proverbs (three texts)
Lack of sted-fastness (six texts)
Fortune (six texts)
Purse (six texts)
Status: changed
Date: 2013-05-16T10:43:20
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Date: 2024-08-09T23:46:10.703251-04:00
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