Bibframe Work
Machine generated contents note: List of Contributors ix
List of Figures x
List of Tables xii
Introduction I
Paul Slack and Ryk Ward
i. Early Beginnings 500,000-3 5,000 Years Ago I
Clive Gamble
2. The Homo Sapiens Peopling of Europe 39
Paul Mellars
Comment: End of Story? 68
Andrew Sherratt
3. The Coming of Agriculture: People, Landscapes,
and Change c.4000-I 5oo BC 77
Alasdair Whittle
Comment: Significant Transitions IIo
Colin Renfrew
4. Tribes and Empires c. I500 BC-AD 500 115
Barry Cunliffe
Comment: Questions of Identities I39
Martin Millett
5. Kings and Warriors: Population and Landscape from
Post-Roman to Norman Britain 145
Heinrich Hirke
6. Plagues and Peoples: The Long Demographic Cycle,
I250-I670 I77
Richard Smith
Comment: Perceptions and People 211
Paul Slack
7. Country and Town: The Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary
Peopling of England in the Early Modern Period 217
E. A. Wrigley
Comment: Prometheus Prostrated? 243
John Langton
8. Empire, the Economy, and Immigration: Britain 1850-2000 255
Ceri Peach
Index 281
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Date: 2009-11-17T13:59:30
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