Bibframe Work
Contemporary challenges to age-based policy / Robert B. Hudson
A normative defense of universal age-based public policy / Martha B. Holstein
What justice requires : a normative foundation for U.S. pension reform / John Myles
Decreasing welfare, increasing old age inequality : whose responsibility is it? / Madonna Harrington Meyer
Social Security and the paradoxes of welfare state conservatism / Steven M. Teles
When old age begins : implications for health, work, and retirement / Angela M. O'Rand
Minority workers and pathways to retirement / Chenoa A. Flippen
The oldest old and a long-lived society : challenges for public policy / Judith G. Gonyea
Reframing Social Security : cures worse than the disease / Pamela Herd and Eric R. Kingson
Sustaining Medicare as an age-related program / Marilyn Moon
The politics of aging within Medicaid / Colleen M. Grogan
The changing face of senior housing / Jon Pynoos and Christy M. Nishita
The contemporary politics of old age policies / Robert H. Binstock
Using local tax levies to fund programs for older people : good politics and good policy? / Robert Applebaum ... [et al.]
Status: new
Date: 2004-07-07
Status: changed
Date: 2011-05-10T09:29:18
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Date: 2024-08-06T19:38:21.647756-04:00
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