Bibframe Work
Monetary governance and capital mobility in historical perspective / Benjamin J. Cohen
The liberalisation of financial markets : the regulatory response in the UK / Eilis Ferran
The liberalisation of financial markets : the regulatory response in Germany / Rainer Grote
Perspectives on US financial regulation / John K.M. Ohnesorge
The regulation of financial services in the European Union / Volker Röben
The free movement of capital in the European Union / Till Hafner
International regulation of finance : is regionalism a preferred option to multilateralism for East Asia? / Qingijang Kong
WTO rules on trade in financial services : a victory of greed over reason? / Michael J. Hahn
The European Central Bank as regulator and as institutional actor / Thilo Marauhn and Michael Weiss
The Basel Committee on Banking Supervision - a secretive club of giants? / Susan Emmenegger
Strengthening the international financial architecture : the contribution by IMF and World Bank / Axel Peuker
Liberalisation and regulation of international capital flows : where the opposites meet / Peter Nunnenkamp
Do we need a new international financial architecture? Many questions and some preliminary policy advice / Stefan Voigt
Proposing built-in stabilisers for the international financial system / Kunibert Raffer
Status: new
Date: 2006-07-13
Status: changed
Date: 2008-10-15T08:01:25
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-07T09:50:24.728737-04:00
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