Bibframe Work
Origins of physical activity epidemiology
Concepts and methods in physical activity epidemiology
Measurement and surveillance of physical activity and fitness
All-cause mortality
Coronary heart disease
Cerebrovascular disease and stroke
Physical activity and hypertension
Physical activity and dyslipidemia
Physical activity and obesity
Physical activity and diabetes
Physical activity and osteoporosis
Physical activity and cancer
Physical activity and the immune system
Physical activity and mental health
Physical activity and special populations
Adverse events and hazards of physical activity
Adopting and maintaining a physically active lifestyle
Status: new
Date: 2012-03-05
Status: changed
Date: 2015-04-29T13:06:05
Description Modifier: United States, Library of Congress
Generation Process:
Status: changed
Date: 2024-08-06T08:57:50.545286-04:00
Encoding Level: full
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Description Conventions: Anglo-American cataloguing rules
Identified By: bf:Local, 17198207
Description Authentication: pcc