The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

When the Bolsheviks retreated before General Denikine's forces toward Kiev they blew up the roads and the birdges. This bridge was mined only five days before, but the Cossack forces have lost no time in repairing it. Two weeks after the retreating Reds have blown up, the American Red Cross unit following in the wake of the Volunteer Army of Cossacks, brought relief supplies over it to hospitals in the liberated area
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LCC: LC-A6195- 7676 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
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When the Bolsheviks retreated before General Denikine's forces toward Kiev they blew up the roads and the birdges. This bridge was mined only five days before, but the Cossack forces have lost no time in repairing it. Two weeks after the retreating Reds have blown up, the American Red Cross unit following in the wake of the Volunteer Army of Cossacks, brought relief supplies over it to hospitals in the liberated area