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Bibframe Work

Salvage. Fats and greases. Glycerin lye and good soap are produced in giant kettles like this from the household greases collected by patriotic house wives. Tallow, coconut oil and caustic soda are added to the household greases, and the whole is brought to a high temperature. This causes a chemical reaction known as saponification, in which soap comes to the top of the kettle and glycerin lye sinks to the bottom
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United States
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LCC: LC-USE6- D-004801 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Government Publication Type
Authorized Access Point
Rosener, Ann Salvage. Fats and greases. Glycerin lye and good soap are produced in giant kettles like this from the household greases collected by patriotic house wives. Tallow, coconut oil and caustic soda are added to the household greases, and the whole is brought to a high temperature. This causes a chemical reaction known as saponification, in which soap comes to the top of the kettle and glycerin lye sinks to the bottom