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Bibframe Work

Raising Hope
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Raising Hope
Moving Image
Single fathers--Drama (LCSH)
Families--Drama (LCSH)
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LCC: DVE 1706 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
Includes translation
Language: English dialogue; French or Spanish subtitles; English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing; closed captioned.
"A one night stand becomes a life-long commitment when twenty-three-year-old Jimmy Chance inadvertently impregnates a wanted felon and decides to raise Hope (aka Princess Beyonce) on his own. Jimmy, together with his family, face play dates, family photo shoots, rock star dreams, vasectomies and more in the uproariously irreverent, critically acclaimed first season"--Container.
Table Of Contents
disc 1. Pilot ; Dead tooth ; Dream hoarders ; Say cheese ; Family secrets ; Happy Halloween ; The sniffles ; Blue dots
disc 2. Meet the greandparents ; Burt rocks ; Toy story Romeo and Romeo A germ of a stroy ; What up, cuz? ; Snip, snip ; A cultish personality ; Mongooses
disc 3. Cheaters ; Sleep training ; Everybody flirts ... sometimes ; Baby monitor ; Don't vote for this episode ; Don't vote for this episode
extended eipsode.
Authorized Access Point
Raising Hope