The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Raising Hope
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Raising Hope
Raising Hope
Moving Image
Single fathers--Drama (LCSH)
Families--Drama (LCSH)
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LCC: DVE 1705 (viewing copy) (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Moving Image Technique(s)
live action
Language: Closed-captioned.
"Things are looking up for Jimmy: Sabrina is now his girlfriend, and Hope is a normal little girl, despite her genes. Meanwhile, Virginia tries to scare away a friendly raccoon and a client's sexual urges, while Burt falls for a pair of singing coconut boobs. And while Hope's serial killer mom may not really be dead, Maw Maw's husband is--which inspires her to make out with Jimmy!"--Container.
Table Of Contents
Disc 1. Prodigy ; Sabrina has money ; Kidnapped ; Henderson, Nevada-adjacent, Baby! Henderson, Nevada-adjacent! ; Killer Hope ; Jimmy and the kid ; Burt's parents
disc 2. Bro-gurt ; The men of New Natesville ; It's a hopeful life ; Mrs. Smartypants ; Gambling again ; Tarot cards ; Jimmy's fake girlfriend ; Sheer madness
disc 3. Single white female role model ; Spanks butt, no spanks ; Poking holes in the story ; Hogging all the glory ; Sabrina's new Jimmy ; Inside probe ; I want my baby back, baby back, baby back.
Authorized Access Point
Raising Hope