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Bibframe Work

The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Pergamiño Vindel e Martin Codax
Codax, Martín, active approximately 1230 Cantigas de amigo
Love songs--Spain--Galicia (Region)--History and criticism (LCSH)
Portuguese poetry--To 1500--History and criticism (LCSH)
Music--Manuscripts--Spain--Galicia (Region) (LCSH)
Manuscripts, Medieval (LCSH)
Pierpont Morgan Library. M.979 (LCSH)
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Geographic Coverage
LCC: PQ9231.C6 Z85 2018 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 869.1 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 23)
Supplementary Content
Language: English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Galician with English summary.
"This book offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date, multidisciplinary approach to the work of Galician jongleur Martin Codax and the Vindel Parchment. This medieval manuscript with the texts of seven cantigas de amigo by Martin Codax and the music score of six of them, is a philological gem that underwent numerous vicissitudes. The current volume comprises eighteen chapters dealing in depth with Codax's work and the Vindel Parchment from five perspectives: literature, linguistics, codicology and ecdotics, music, history and reception of the Vindel Parchment, and the historical background of medieval Vigo (at the time still a small town where Codax's cantigas de amigo are set). Specialists from different disciplines and countries joined forces in a effort to improve our understanding of Martin Codax and his lyric poetry. The research included here tries to go beyond received knowledge in the field by using new approaches and perspectives, delving deeper into areas that had not been sufficiently studied, or by venturing into unexplored territories. Many hypotheses are put forward, contributing to raising interest in a fascinating, enigmatic author, in his extraordinary cantigas and in a medieval parchment that is becoming less and less mysterious. The volume contains contributions in English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Galician, each accompanied by a summary in English"-- Provided by publisher.
Table Of Contents
Martin codax y la poesía de su tiempo: perspectivas metodológicas / Vicenç Beltran
Estudo literssrio das cantigas de Martim Codax / Yara Frateschi Vieira
The metrics of Martin Codax / Rip Cohen
À volta da tradição manuscrita das cantigas de Martim Codax / António Resende de Oliveira
As personagens femininas do pergaminho vindel 69 ria lemaire-mertens
Martim Codax e o fenómeno jogralesco na galiza sul-ocidental / José António Souto Cabo
Literatura en galego e mecenado na idade media ramón / Marío Paz
Areas movedizas: problemas de edición das cantigas de martin codax / Xosé Bieito Arias Freixedo
Il Pergamiño Vindel: stato codicologico e paleografico / María Arbor Aldea and Antonio Ciaralli
A lingua de Martin Codax, entre a tradición e o xénero / Manuel Ferreiro
A lingua de Martin Codax: os esquemas sintsscticos / Alexandre Rodriguez Guerra
Martin Codax: o nome. a onomssstica na lírica trobadoresca / Xosé Xabier Ron Fernssndez
Tradicionalismo e inovação musical na cantiga paralelistica / Manuel Pedro Ferreira
Martim Codax, dom dinis, e a democracia burguesa capitalista: aspectos da prsstica interpretativa / Paulo Gonçalves
Aproximación ss configuración urbana de Vigo na época do Pergamiño Vindel / Anselmo López Carreira
Historia da recepción en galicia do Pergamiño Vindel / Xesus Alonso Montero
Prensa, sociedad gallega y Martin Codax: ¿cómo divulgaron los periódicos la figura del trovador? / Ceferino de Blas
Madrid, Estocolmo, Londres, Nova York: as etapas da longa viaxe do Pergamiño Vindel / María Arbor Aldea.
Authorized Access Point
The Vindel Parchment and Martin Codax