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Bibframe Work

Virtual normality
Other Titles (e.g. Variant)
Female gaze in the age of the internet
Women in art--Exhibitions (LCSH)
Social media in art--Exhibitions (LCSH)
Women artists--Exhibitions (LCSH)
Femininity in art--Exhibitions (LCSH)
Art, Modern--21st century--Exhibitions (LCSH)
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Illustrative Content
LCC: N7629.2.G3 L45 2018 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 704.9/424082074432122 full (Source: 23)
Supplementary Content
Language: Parallel texts in English and German.
With the international group exhibition 'Virtual Normality - Netzkünstlerinnen 2.0' the Museum for bildende Künste Leipzig is the first museum in the German-speaking region dedicated to the female perspective in the age of digital production. Each wave of feminism and each generation brings new priorities and media and these new media open up new subjects and possibilities. The internet and social media have rekindled the debate about sexuality and identity and female net artists are responding to this debate with a hyperfeminine aesthetic that ranges from the aggressively feminine to the girlishly cute. The artists on display reflect the female perspective on sexuality, identity and femininity in the digital age. Their material is their body, reality and everyday life and their stylistic devices include humour, irony, grotesque and exaggeration. Exhibition: Museum der Bildenden Künste, Leipzig, Germany (12.01. - 08.04.2018).
Table Of Contents
We need an upgrade on how we view art: Women artists in the age of digital stagings of the self / Anika Meier
The internet is a mucky place = Das Internet ist ein schmuddeliger ort / Ronja von Rönne
Women as work : My body, my problem = die Frau als werk : Mein körper, mein problem / Kathrin Wessling
To every art its freedom, to every art its medium = Der kunst ihre freiheit, der kunst ihr medium / Gabriele Schor in conversation with Anika Meier
Defining the female gaze today: What do you see when you see a woman? = Bestimmung des weiblichen blicks heute: was sehen sie, wenn sie eine frau sehen? / Charlotte Jansen
A delicate knot: Photographing black girlhood and womanhood = Ein zarter knoten : Zum fotografieren schwarzen mädchen- und frauseins / Nakeya Brown
How do women and men want to be seen online? = Wie wollen frauen und männer online gesehen werden? / Andy Kassier and Leah Schrager in conversation
The secret of my success : Andy Kassier / Anika Meier
That bitch! : a coaching to reassess the male gaze on contemporary womanhood IRL and online = So eine schlampe! Nachhilfe zur neubewertung des mänlichen blicks auf zeitgenössische / Karim Crippa
Artist** in the age of insta-gratification = Künstlerin** im zeitalter der insta-gratification / Signe Pierce
TL;DR : Feminism / Social media / Pink = Feminismus / Soziale medien / Pink
Arvida byström : The female gaze = Der weibliche blick
Nakeya Brown : The political dimension = Die politische dimension
Juno Calypso : Freedom of choice = Wahlfreiheit
Pics or it didn't happen : Censorship = Zensur
Molly soda : Shame = Scham
Nicole Ruggiero : Overload = Überforderung
Slide to expose : Privacy = Privatsphäre
Izumi Miyazaki : Selfie
Stephanie Sarley : Sexuality = Sexualität
Leah Schrager : Sex-positive = Sex-positiv
Signe Pierce: Mob mentality / Loss of control / Virtual normality = Mob-mentalität / Kontrollverlust
Laturbo Avedon : Identity = Identität.
Authorized Access Point
Virtual normality