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Bibframe Work

A bill, to remove the office of collector of Tappahannock to Fredericksburg that of Niagara to Lewistown, to annex part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York, to establish a new district to be called the district of St. Lawrence, to make cape St. Vincent in the district of Sacket's harbor, a port of delivery, and out of the district of Miami to make a new district, to be called the district of Sandusky, and for other purposes.
LCC: U.S. Laws No. 125 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
Authorized Access Point
United States. Congress. House. A bill, to remove the office of collector of Tappahannock to Fredericksburg that of Niagara to Lewistown, to annex part of the state of New Jersey to the collection district of New York, to establish a new district to be called the district of St. Lawrence, to make cape St. Vincent in the district of Sacket's harbor, a port of delivery, and out of the district of Miami to make a new district, to be called the district of Sandusky, and for other purposes