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Bibframe Work

The classification of the finite simple groups
LCC: QA177 .G67 1994 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 512/.2 full (Assigner: dlc)(Source: 20)
Supplementary Content
bibliography (bibliography)
index (index)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
no. 1. [without special title]
no. 2. Part I, chapter G, general group theory
no. 3. Part I, chapter A, almost simple K-groups
no. 4. Part II, chapters 1-4, uniqueness theorems
no. 5. Part III, chapters 1-6, the generic case, stages 1-3a
Part III, chapters 7-11, the generic case, stages 3b and 4a
no. 6. Part IV, The special odd case
no. 7. Part III, Chapters 7-11, The generic case, stages 3b and 4a
no. 9. Part V, chapters 1-8, theorem C5 and theorem C6, stage 1 / Inna Capdeboscq, Daniel Gorenstein, Richard Lyons, Ronald Solomon
Authorized Access Point
Gorenstein, Daniel The classification of the finite simple groups