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Bibframe Work

Voyages de François Coreal aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a vû de plus remarquable pendant son séjour depuis 1666, jusqu'en 1697
Mojo Indians (LCSH)
Voyages and travels--Early works to 1800 (LCSH)
Chile--Description and travel--Early works to 1800 (LCSH)
Latin America--Description and travel (LCSH)
Magellan, Strait of (Chile and Argentina)--Early works to 1800 (LCSH)
Illustrative Content
Geographic Coverage
LCC: F2221 .C79 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
This three-volume work by a Spanish author of uncertain identity, Francisco (François) Coreal, was published in Amsterdam in 1722. It purports to be the French translation of a first-hand account, in Spanish, of multiple voyages to Brazil and Spanish America undertaken by Coreal over a span of 30 years, from 1666-97. Coreal's supposed voyages cover about half of the three volumes. The rest of the work is comprised of a heterogeneous set of texts taken from the travelogues of Sir Walter Raleigh (1552-1618) and several of his contemporaries. Many scholars believe that Coreal was a fictitious name for a writer who may never have traveled to the lands described in the book. This theory is supported by the fact that no Spanish original of the work has been found and that a great part of Coreal's narrative is plagiarized from an influential work of 1578 by the French explorer and writer Jean de Léry (1536-1613), Histoire d'un voyage faict en la terre du Bresil, autrement dite Amerique (History of a voyage to the land of Brazil, also called America). In some instances, Coreal expanded on Léry's text by adding his own observations. World Digital Library.
Table Of Contents
t. 1. Relation de voyages de François Coreal aux Indes.Occidentales. 1-2. ptie.
t. 2. Relation des voyages de François Coreal ... 3. ptie. Relation de la Guiane, du lac de Parimé, & des provinces d'Emeria, d'Arromaia & d'Amapaia decouvertes par le chevalier Walter Raleigh; tr. de l'original anglois. Relation de la Guiane, tr. de l'anglois de capitaine Keymis. Relation en forme de journal, de la découverte des îles de Palaos, ou nouvelles Philippines.
t. 3. Journal du voyage du capitaine Narbrough à la mer du Sud. Relation d'un voyage aux Terres Australes inconnues, tirée du Journal du capitaine Abel Jansen Tasman. Lettre du pere Nyel sur la mission des Moxes. Relation espagnole de la mission des Moxes dans le Pérow [par Antonio de Grellana].
Authorized Access Point
Coreal, Francisco, 1648?-1708. Voyages de François Coreal aux Indes Occidentales, contenant ce qu'il y a vû de plus remarquable pendant son séjour depuis 1666, jusqu'en 1697