The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service > BIBFRAME Works

Bibframe Work

Cataloging and classification of non-Western material
Geographic Coverage
LCC: Z695.1.A37 C37 (Assigner: dlc) (Status: used by assigner)
DDC: 025.4/6896 full (Assigner: dlc)
Supplementary Content
bibliography (bibliography)
index (index)
text (txt)
Table Of Contents
Aman, M. M. Introduction.
Greaves, M. Cataloging and classification: the Nigerian scene.
Kisiedu, C. Cataloging and classifying non-Western materials in Ghanaian libraries.
Mowery, R. Subject analysis of African literature.
Anderson, J. Cataloging and classification of Chinese language library materials.
Kaneko, H. Cataloging and classifying Japanese language library materials.
Lian Tie Kho. Cataloging and classifying Southeast Asian materials.
Kaula, P. N. India's contribution to cataloging and classification.
Khurshid, A. Developments in cataloging and classification in Pakistan.
Hamdy, N. Cataloging and classifying Arabic materials.
Turchyn, A. Slavic publications: their cataloging and classification in American libraries.
Weinberg, B. H. Hebraica cataloging and classification
Authorized Access Point
Cataloging and classification of non-Western material