Garrick, David, 1717-1779
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1717-02-19
Death Date
- 1779-01-20
- English
Birth Place
- Hereford (England)
Associated Language
- English
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- [Foote, Samuel] 1720-1777 A tr
- Barton, Margaret, 1897- Garric
- Benedetti, Jean David Garrick
- Bromley, William, 1769-1842 Ri
- Burnim, Kalman A. David Garric
- Burnim, Kalman A. David Garric
- Cunningham, Vanessa Shakespear
- Davies, Thomas, 1713-1785 Memo
- Diderot, Denis, 1713-1784 ...
- Fletcher, John, 1579-1625 The
- Foote, Samuel, 1720-1777 A tre
- Fox, Levi A splendid occasion
- Gentleman, Francis, 1728-1784
- Kendall, Alan, 1939- David Gar
- Knight, Joseph, 1829-1907 Davi
- Lives of Shakespearian actors
- McIntyre, Ian, 1931-2014 Garri
- Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805 The
- Murphy, Arthur, 1727-1805 The
- Nicoll, Allardyce, 1894-1976 T
- Nicoll, Allardyce, 1894-1976 T
- Oman, Carola, 1897-1978 David
- Perrin, Michel David Garrick
- Philbrick, Norman, 1913- Of bo
- Poser, Norman S., 1928- The bi
- Poser, Norman S., 1928- The bi
- Price, Cecil John Layton Theat
- Price, Cecil John Layton Theat
- Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-17
- Reynolds, Joshua, Sir, 1723-17
- Ritchie, Leslie, 1970- David G
- Smith, Helen R. David Garrick
- Stein, Elizabeth P. David Garr
- Stone, George Winchester, 1907
- Stott, Andrew McConnell, 1969-
- Woods, Leigh Garrick claims th
- Contributor to
- [t.p., f.59r:] Nel Matrimonio
- [t.p., f.75r:] Nel Matrimonio
- [title page, f.1r:] Pria che s
- [title page, f.1r:] Signor deh
- [title page, f.37r:] Duetto |
- [title page, f.46r:] Quintetto
- [title page, f.51r:] nel Matri
- [title page, f.73r:] Nel Matri
- Abingdon, Willoughby Bertie, E
- Arne, Thomas Augustine, 1710-1
- Berlioz, Hector, 1803-1869 Rom
- Brown, John, 1715-1766 Athelst
- Burgoyne, John, 1722-1792 The
- Colman, George, 1732-1794 The
- Cowley, Hannah, 1743-1809 The
- Cymon
- Fagan, 1702-1755 The guardian
- Fletcher, John, 1579-1625 Rule
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Isab
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Leth
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Miss
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Miss
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Miss
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Pine
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Sele
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Some
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 The
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Thre
- Garrick, David, 1717-1779 Thre
- Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 Pro
- Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 Pro
- Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784 Sam
- Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637. Every
- Moore, Edward, 1712-1757 The f
- Plays by David Garrick and Geo
- Riccoboni, Marie Jeanne de Heu
- Saunders, Mr. (Robert) A catal
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Specimens of English dramatic
- The bottl'd heroes or Madness
- Tomkis, Thomas, active 1604-16
- Wycherley, William, 1640-1716
- Wycherley, William, 1640-1716