Tucker, Marcia
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1940-04-11
Death Date
- 2006-10-17
Birth Place
- New York (N.Y.)
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Contributor to
- 1980 New Orleans Triennial, Oc
- A labor of love
- Bad girls
- Baldessari, John, 1931- John B
- Butterfield, Deborah, 1949- Ho
- Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts
- Heavily tattooed men and women
- Held, Al, 1928-2005 Al Held
- Hunter, Sam, 1923-2014 Critica
- Jensen, Alfred, 1903-1981 Alfr
- Krasner, Lee, 1908-1984 Lee Kr
- Le Va, Barry, 1941- Four conse
- Mitchell, Joan, 1925-1992 Joan
- Nauman, Bruce, 1941- Bruce Nau
- Paradise lost/paradise regaine
- Rosenquist, James, 1933-2017 J
- Serrano, Andres, 1950- Andres
- The time of our lives
- Tucker, Marcia A short life of
- Tucker, Marcia A short life of
- Tucker, Marcia Choices
- Tucker, Marcia Markus Raetz
- Tucker, Marcia Out of bounds
- Tucker, Marcia Robert Morris
- Tucker, Marcia Three stories
- Tuttle, Richard, 1941- Richard
- Whitney Museum of American Art