Kohout, Pavel, 1928-
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1928-07-20
Birth Place
- Prague (Czech Republic)
Associated Locale
- Czechoslovakia
Associated Locale
- Austria
Associated Language
- Czech
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Kde je za
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Můj život
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- To byl mů
- Kosatík, Pavel Fenomén Kohout
- Contributor to
- David, Thomas Puppenmenschen
- Feigl-Zellner, Margarete, 1900
- Grass, Günter, 1927-2015 Brief
- Hašek, Jaroslav, 1883-1923 Jos
- Jent, Louis, 1936- Carl Bucher
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- "Ecce Con
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Armer Mör
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- August, A
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Aus dem T
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Bílá knih
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Bílá knih
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Cizinec a
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- From the
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Hodina ta
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Hodina ta
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Hvězdná h
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Hvězdná h
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- I am snow
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- I am snow
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Jolana a
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Journal d
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Katyné
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Katyně
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Katyně
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Kde je za
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Konec vel
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Krieg im
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- L'exécutr
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Můj život
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Nápady sv
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- O ničem a
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Poor murd
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Poor murd
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Šest & se
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Smyčka
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Sněžím
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Sněžím
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- So eine L
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Ta dlouhá
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Taká lásk
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Taková lá
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Ten žena
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- The hangw
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- The widow
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- To byl mů
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Třetí ses
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Verše a p
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Weissbuch
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- White boo
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Z deníku
- Kohout, Pavel, 1928- Zářijové
- V hlavní roli Ferdinand Vaněk