Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1458
Death Date
- 1521-05-10
Birth Place
- Strasbourg (France)
Associated Language
- Latin
Associated Language
- German
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Heimann-Seelbach, Sabine Begri
- Henkel, Nikolaus Sebastian Bra
- Janitsch, Julius Das bildnis S
- Könneker, Barbara Wesen und Wa
- Newald, Richard Elsässische Ch
- Sebastian Brant
- Sebastian Brant
- Springer, Jaro, 1865- Sebastia
- Zeydel, Edwin H., 1893-1973 Se
- Contributor to
- [Medieval book collector sitti
- Annotatio[n]es siue reportatio
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Da
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 De
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 De
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 De
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ex
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Fa
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Hi
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 In
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Kl
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 La
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Na
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Sa
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Se
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Se
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 St
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Th
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Th
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Th
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Th
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Th
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Ti
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Tu
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 Va
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 We
- Brant, Sebastian, 1458-1521 We
- Catholic Church Sextus decreta
- Catholic Church Sextus decreta
- Clag antwurt vnnd auszgesproch
- Council of Basel (1431-1449 :
- Der richterlich Clagspiegel
- Der richterlich Clagspiegel
- Der richterlich Clagspiegel
- Ein neẅ geteütscht Rechtbüch g
- Ghetelen, Hans van, active 149
- Gratian, active 12th century D
- Hemmerlin, Felix, approximatel
- Hemmerlin, Felix, approximatel
- Hemmerlin, Felix, approximatel
- Hortulus anime
- Joannes, de Sancto-Geminiano,
- Lancino, Thierry Das Narrensch
- Liber Faceti
- Lupold, of Bebenburg, Bishop o
- Pseudo-Methodius De reuelation
- Raulin, Jean, 1443-1514 Collac
- Reinerus De moribus et facetij
- Sack, Vera Sebastian Brant als
- Sahr, Julius, 1859-1913 Hans S
- Sahr, Julius, 1859-1913 Von Br
- Sebastian Brant Indices zu Tug
- Ship of Fools
- Strasbourg (France) Code histo
- Tengler, Ulrich, -approximatel
- Tengler, Ulrich, -approximatel
- Thomas, à Kempis, 1380-1471 Ho
- Trithemius, Johannes, 1462-151
- Umbach, Silke Sebastian Brants
- Virgil Opera
- Wesenbeck, Matthaeus, 1531-158
- Wimpheling, Jakob, 1450-1528 D