Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942-
Identified By
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- All the world
- Encountering God
- Gates of understanding
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Be
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Co
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Is
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Is
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- On
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Re
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Th
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Th
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Th
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Th
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Th
- Hoffman, Lawrence A., 1942- Wh
- Jewish spiritual journeys
- Kertzer, Morris Norman, 1910-
- Life cycles in Jewish and Chri
- May God remember
- More than managing
- My people's Passover Haggadah
- My people's prayer book
- Naming God
- Passover and Easter
- Passover and Easter
- Passover and Easter
- Sacred sound and social change
- Sacred strategies
- The Changing face of Jewish an
- The closing of the gates
- The closing of the gates
- The Making of Jewish and Chris
- We have sinned