Identified By
Birth Date
- -0468
Death Date
- -0398
Associated Locale
- Athens (Greece)
Associated Language
- Greek, Ancient (to 1453)
Field of Activity
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- [Ducot, Louise] L'évangile de
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- Cooper, John Gilbert, 1723-176
- Córdova Iturburu, C. (Cayetano
- Coxon, A. H., 1909-2001 The ph
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- Harrison, Paul R., 1955- The d
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- Holmberg, Olle, 1893- Sommar m
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- Kōstaras, Grēgorios Phil [Hē d
- Kreeft, Peter Philosophy 101 b
- Kuhn, Helmut, 1899- Sokrates
- Labriola, Antonio, 1843-1904 S
- Lindsay, A. D. (Alexander Dunl
- Mann, Oskar, 1867-1917 Quid ce
- May, Hope On Socrates
- Meijer, P. A. Socratisch schim
- Mirgeler, Albert Sokrates
- Mitchell, Robert Lloyd The hym
- Mugerauer, Roland, 1961- Sokra
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- Nebel, Gerhard Sokrates
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- Plato Symposium
- Plato The banquet
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- Plato The symposium
- Plato The Symposium
- Plato The symposium of Plato
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- Plato The trial and death of S
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- Rivas Palá, Pedro, 1968- Justi
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- Socrate
- Socratis et Socraticorum reliq
- Soto Rivera, Rubén De Parménid
- Stern, Herold S. Plato's Socra
- Stone, I. F. (Isidor Feinstein
- Sugrue, Michael Plato, Socrate
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- The concept of irony
- The trials of Socrates
- The unknown Socrates
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- More than 100 found...