John of the Cross, Saint, 1542-1591
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1542-06-24
Death Date
- 1591-12-14
- Saint
Birth Place
- Fontiveros (Spain)
Associated Locale
- Ubeda (Jaén, Spain)
Associated Language
- Spanish
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- "Juan de la Cruz, Espiritu de
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- Anorbin, Antón de Mensaje de r
- Arraj, Jim From St. John of th
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- Brizzi, Pasquale, 1965- Sentin
- Bruno de Jésus-Marie, père, O.
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- Ernst, Albert, 1938- Studien z
- Feldmeier, Peter Christianity
- Filosofia e letteratura in Kar
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- Flórez, Ramiro El hombre, mans
- Frost, Bede, 1877- Saint John
- Gaitan, José Damian, 1948- Neg
- Green, John D., 1932- A strang
- Hardy, Richard P. John of the
- Herrera, Robert A. Silent musi
- Homenaje a San Juan de la Cruz
- Howells, Edward John of the Cr
- Jesualda of the Holy Spirit, S
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- Kinn, James W., 1931- The prac
- Kozlowski, Joseph Paul Spiritu
- Kumblolickal Augustine, José L
- Leão, Ursulino, 1923- Santidad
- Lyddon, Eileen Mysticism for b
- Mallory, Marilyn May Christian
- May, Gerald G. The dark night
- Meadow, Mary Jo, 1936- Christi
- Merezhkovsky, Dmitry Sergeyevi
- Muñoz Garnica, Manuel, 1821-18
- Muto, Susan, 1942- Deep into t
- Nemeck, Francis Kelly, 1936- O
- Nemeck, Francis Kelly, 1936- T
- Ngondo Dishono Kalala, David,
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- Reyes, Luis Beltrán El sendero
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- Ruano, Argimiro La mística clá
- Saint John of the Cross
- Scheuring, Lyn Paradox of pove
- Sencourt, Robert, 1890-1969 Ca
- Spiritual direction
- Stinissen, Guido, 1931- Découv
- Thompson, Colin P. St. John of
- Thompson, Patricia Kobielus, 1
- Tillmans, Frits, 1935- Taal va
- Tillyer, Desmond B. Union with
- Tuccini, Giona, 1974- Spiriti
- Vilnet, Jean Bible et mystique
- Wiszowaty, Zbigniew Gabriel Uk
- Contributor to
- Benavente, José María Diez can
- Booren, Jo van den, 1935- La s
- Homenaje a San Juan de la Cruz
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- John of the Cross, Saint, 1542
- Lira mística, Santa Teresa de
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- Sánchez-Verdú, José María Orch