National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis
Identified By
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- 1 minute celebrity spots
- 1 minute celebrity spots
- 1944 March of Dimes Campaign
- 1948 March of Dimes show
- 1948 March of Dimes show
- 1949 March of Dimes
- 1949 March of Dimes
- 1949 March of Dimes
- 1950 March of Dimes
- 1950 March of Dimes
- 1950 March of Dimes. You can b
- 1951 March of Dimes
- 1951 March of Dimes
- 1951 March of Dimes
- 1951 March of Dimes
- 1957 March of Dimes
- 1957 March of Dimes
- A new hope on the horizon
- A new hope on the horizon
- A program about a lot of thing
- A report to you
- All on a summer's day
- America's fight against 1948's
- Anthony, Ray, 1922- Ray Anthon
- Are you ready?
- Arnold, Eddy, 1918-2008 Eddy A
- Arnold, Eddy, 1918-2008 Eddy A
- Barlow, Howard, 1892-1972 Howa
- Bayer, Herbert, 1900-1985 Poli
- Beneke, Tex 1947 March of Dime
- Bergman, Ingrid, 1915-1982 194
- Boston Symphony Orchestra The
- Bubley, Esther Courage comes i
- Carmichael, Hoagy, 1899-1981 H
- Clooney, Rosemary Rosemary Clo
- Como, Perry, 1912-2001 1947 Ma
- Courage
- Day, Doris, 1922-2019 Doris Da
- Day, Doris, 1922-2019 Doris Da
- Disc jockey interviews
- Disc jockey interviews
- Disc jockey interviews with mu
- Disc jockey interviews with mu
- Discs for dimes
- Discs for dimes
- Discs for dimes
- Dorsey, Tommy, 1905-1956 Tommy
- Eckstine, Billy Billy Eckstine
- Fight infantile paralysis--My
- Flanagan, Ralph Ralph Flanagan
- Foley, Red, 1910-1968 Red Fole
- Freedom from infantile paralys
- Fun with fear
- Gable, Clark, 1901-1960 Nation
- Garroway, Dave, 1913-1982 It's
- Howard, Eddy, 1914- 1948 March
- In this case, it's George
- Lawrence, Elliot, 1925-2021 El
- Listen it's summer
- Man against the crippler. Part
- March of Dimes radio promos
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights for infantile par
- Music fights infantile paralys
- National Foundation for Infant
- National Foundation for Infant
- National Foundation news
- National Symphony Orchestra (W
- New York Philharmonic New York
- One minute celebrity spots
- One-minute celebrity spots
- Ormandy, Eugene, 1899-1985 Eug
- Out of the past
- Page, Patti Patti Page
- Pidgeon, Walter, 1897-1984 194
- Polio, Research is hope
- Press interview, topic polio
- Report on polio
- Simms, Ginny 1948 March of Dim
- Starr, Kay Kay Starr sings
- Stewart, James, 1908-1997 1946
- Summer concert. Parts 1-2
- Summer is for a good time
- Summer recipe
- The March of Dimes show
- The swelling tide of polio
- This is polio
- Waring, Fred, 1900-1984 1947 M
- Waring, Fred, 1900-1984 Fred W
- We polios can fill almost any
- Weston, Paul Paul Weston and h
- Willson, Meredith, 1902-1984 M
- Years of our faith
- You are not alone. Part I
- You are not alone. Part II
- You have seen its shadow. Part
- More than 100 found...