Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1914-04-02
Death Date
- 2000-08-05
Associated Locale
- Great Britain
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Subject of
- Biography. Alec Guinness
- Dear Alec
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 A po
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Hunter, Allan, 1961- Alec Guin
- O'Connor, Garry Alec Guinness
- O'Connor, Garry Alec Guinness
- Read, Piers Paul, 1941- Alec G
- Read, Piers Paul, 1941- Alec G
- Stupnikov, I. (Igorʹ) Alek Gin
- Tanitch, Robert Guinness
- Taylor, John Russell Alec Guin
- Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980 Alec
- Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980 Alec
- Tynan, Kenneth, 1927-1980 Alec
- Von Gunden, Kenneth Alec Guinn
- Contributor to
- Bridge on the River Kwai (Moti
- A Leaden treasury of poesie
- A passage to India
- Barnacle Bill
- Bricusse, Leslie Scrooge
- Classics for children
- Doctor Zhivago
- Doctor Zhivago
- Dylan
- Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns),
- Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns),
- Father Brown
- Ford startime. The wicked sche
- Great children's favorites
- Great expectations
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 [Sha
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 A co
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 A pe
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 A po
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Alec
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 An a
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Bles
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 Chri
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 My n
- Guinness, Alec, 1914-2000 My n
- Hughes, Ken, 1922- Cromwell
- Kafka
- Kind hearts and coronets
- Lawrence of Arabia
- Michaels, Sidney Dylan
- Michaels, Sidney Dylan
- Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953 P
- Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953 P
- Prokofiev, Sergey, 1891-1953 P
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Shakespeare, William, 1564-161
- Star wars trilogy. IV, V and V
- Star Wars, the complete saga
- Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745 Ale
- Tales from Hollywood
- The bridge on the River Kwai
- The bridge on the River Kwai
- The bridge on the River Kwai
- The bridge on the River Kwai
- The captain's paradise
- The cocktail party
- The cocktail party
- The comedians
- The ladykillers
- The Quiller memorandum