Mantegna, Joe
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1947-11-13
Associated Locale
- Chicago (Ill.)
Narrator of audiobooks
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Albino alligator
- Alice
- Baby's day out
- Bleacher bums
- Bugsy
- Chandler, Raymond, 1888-1959 F
- Coward, Noel, 1899-1973 Fallen
- Deaver, Jeffery The cold moon
- Family prayers
- Joan of Arcadia. The first sea
- King, Stephen, 1947- Sorry, ri
- Mamet, David Glengarry Glen Ro
- Martini, Steve, 1946- The arra
- My little assassin
- Patterson, James, 1947- Judge
- Posnanski, Joe Paterno
- Queens logic
- Santo, Jeff A rough in the dia
- Santo, Jeff A rough in the dia
- Schoon, Chris Baby's day out
- Searching for Bobby Fischer
- Searching for Bobby Fischer
- The Great empire Rome. Volume
- The Great empire Rome. Volume
- The Great empire Rome. Volume
- The Great empire Rome. Volume
- The Simpsons movie
- The War of 1812
- Thinner
- We believe