Martinbrough, Shawn
Identified By
- African American artists
Associated Locale
- United States
Field of Activity
(lcsh) Comic books, strips, etc.
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Barnes, Derrick Like lava in m
- Batman, evolution
- Dead High yearbook
- Diggle, Andy Gold rush
- Diggle, Andy Take me
- Diggle, Andy The Hit List
- Diggle, Andy The Losers
- Diggle, Andy The Losers. Volum
- Gaiman, Neil Anansi boys. Volu
- Gaiman, Neil Anansi boys. Volu
- Lang, Swifty Meyer
- Lewis, Brett Closure
- Luke Cage noir
- Martinbrough, Shawn How to dra
- Martinbrough, Shawn The heavy
- Michael Chabon's the Escapist
- Mignola, Mike Hellboy and the
- Mignola, Mike Hellboy and the
- Mignola, Mike Hellboy and the
- Mignola, Mike Hellboy and the
- Mignola, Mike Hellboy and the
- Milligan, Peter John Constanti
- Morlocks
- Rucka, Greg Batman
- Stone, Milo The case of the mi
- Stone, Milo The case of the mi
- Stone, Milo The doggie defenda
- Stone, Milo The doggie defenda
- The Creeper
- Vankin, Jonathan, 1962- Tokyo
- Wood, Brian, 1972- DMZ, the de
- Wood, Brian, 1972- Free states