Schreck, Gustav
Identified By
Birth Date
- 1849-09-08
Death Date
- 1918-01-22
Birth Place
- Zeulenroda (Germany)
Field of Activity
University and college faculty members
Instance Of
Alternate Formats
- Contributor to
- Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista,
- Schreck, Gustav Christus, der
- Schreck, Gustav Der Herr ist d
- Schreck, Gustav In mists of ni
- Schreck, Gustav Kriegsgebet
- Schreck, Gustav Lied-Motetten
- Schreck, Gustav Nonett
- Schreck, Gustav Nonett, op. 40
- Schreck, Gustav Pfingstgesang
- Schreck, Gustav Pfingstgesang
- Schreck, Gustav Sonate für Obo
- Schreck, Gustav Sonate op. 13