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21. Americans, British, French, Italians have been milling in and out of this train shed for many months and now some Tommies are tramping through singing "Tipperary." For they're on their way home! ARC supplies are being unloaded, and at the far end of the shed is an ARC canteen that has given hot soup and coffee to thousands of soldiers each and night for months January 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19528530
22. At the ARC children's dispensary in an old Roman tower, Marseilles. Two ARC nurses bringing the children's food from the kitchen July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513324
23. Captain Kelly and Lieutenant Lilianthal of the Splint Department of the ARC demonstrating the use of the new stretcher Bar used on litters for fractured cases, which was developed by the Splint Department of the ARC in conjuction with the U.S. Army. Picture also shows new Wire Leg Rest which the ARC also assisted in developing 4 December 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19520611
24. One of the members of the Society of Friends who worked in cooperation with the ARC in building the settlement of portable houses at [...] These houses, with the central Manoer House of [...] were intended for tubercular refugee families but have now been turned over to the Army by the ARC and will soon be in use as the ARC tuberculosis hospital at [...] nearby, will also become a part of this new military hospital [ca. 1918 or 1919]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500377
25. Accounting Dept. of ARC Headquarters. Left to right, Pvt. 1st Class S.L. Simonet U.S.A. Capt. E.A. Bock, American Red Cross. Gen. Auditor, Miss Franciska Back, Capt. William H. Heckler, ARC, Paymaster, Major A.B. Carter, ARC Treasurer, Berlin 26 May 1919

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502064
26. Crowd including 1000 French School children in front of the mairie at Levallois listening to an address by Mr. Barbour, Sec. General of ARC. On the occasion of the opening of the ARC School Canteen. In the name of the children in America, the ARC supplements the food of the children in various districts in and near Paris, including Levalois giving a white bread roll and a cake of chocolate to each child every day, whose food ration is reduced on account of the war July 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513229
27. ARC Secretaries' Conference (17th : 1988 : Nyanga, Zimbabwe) 17th ARC Secretaries' Conference [Harare?]: The Association; [1988?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11866227
28. Abbe Jean Borde d'Arrere "The Fighting Priest" who has received numerous decorations for bravery on the battlefield, in an ARC car in front of the ARC headquarters, 4 Place de la Concorde, Paris. The Abbe expects to leave shortly for America on a special mission for the ARC

29. ARC float in great "victory parade" at Liverpool. The parade was the opening of a great "drive" for funds for the British Y.M.C.A. in Liverpool, and the float here was one of the most distinctive in the American section. It aims to portray the cooperation between the ARC and the Y.M.C.A. in the Liverpool district. The men on the float are all American soldiers, and the female figures are girl scouts and other girl workers in the RC headquarters. The title of the float on the official program was "Uncle Sam and His Children" and the characters were listed as follows, Uncle Sam, soldier from ARC hospital, the Western States, Indian Maiden, American Nurse, American Woman Auto Driver. Girl Scout, the Eastern States, with shield of New Jersey as Pres. Wilson's state, American officers

30. Abbe Jean Borde d'Arrere "The Fighting Priest" who has received numerous decorations for bravery on the battlefield about to get into an ARC car in front of ARC headquarters, 4 Place de la Candorde, Paris. The Abbe expects to leave shortly for America on a special mission for the ARC

31. Miss Carrie M. Hall of Boston, Chief Nurse for the ARC in Great Britain at her desk in RC Headquarters, 40 Grosvenor Gardens, London. She is in charge of all the ARC nurses in the British Isles. Miss Hall was one of the first American nurses to come Europe after the declaration of war by the United States, being in command of the so-called "Harvard unit" which arrived in London in May 1917 and was immediately transferred to take over a large base hospital in the British Army zone in France. She was formerly Superintendent and Principal of the Nurses' Training School at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston. She is a graduate of Columbia University 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514933
32. Blois. Capt. Denis ARC delegate at Blois in front of ARC headquarters 30 October 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19526391
33. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Mrs. Whitelaw Reid and Colonel Gibson, ARC Commissioner for France, visiting wounded American officers in the garden of the American military hospital No. 3, Rue de Chevreuse, Paris. This was formerly a club for American women art students established by Mrs. Reid and was converted by the ARC into a hospital for American soldiers [August 1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514492
34. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Not merely a fair weather friend, this little refugee clings to her dog through thick and thin. Driven from their home by the invaders she and her parents came to the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris, where all refugees are received and with aid from the ARC are fed, cared for and helped on their way. She is waiting for the ARC camion to take her to the station where the journey will be resumed June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500412
35. ARC-CSI Crash Conference ARC-CSI Crash Conference [Kirkland, Wash.]: Collision Publ

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15333097
36. ARC Hospital on ground that was the race track at Auteuil. ARC group laying out buildings April 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513190
37. The first class of the Warsaw school of nursing, Poland established with the cooperation of the ARC and taught by ARC nurses. This class was ready for hopital practice on Feb. 25, 1922 Feb. 25, 1922.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19519726
38. Milan. The first patient, Lasher by name, of the ARC ambulance in Italy, in the new ARC hospital at Milan. Young Lasher says he has a "cold" but the nurse in charge called it a severe attack of bronchitis July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513436
39. Mrs. Whitelaw Reid and Colonel Gibson, ARC Commissioner for France, visiting wounded American officers in the garden of the American military hospital No. 3, Rue de Chevreuse, Paris. This was formerly a club for American women art students established by Mrs. Reid and was converted by the ARC into a hospital for American soldiers 12 September 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514494
40. Left to right, D.M. Merritt, 1st Lieut. ARC. Bureau of Requirements. Capt. Hampton Anderson Publicity Man. For Commission to Germany, at work at ARC Headquarters. Berlin 25 May 1919

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502061

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