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41. Refugees in two wars. This old couple Mr. and Mme. Leclaire, who will celebrate their 60th wedding anniversary this year, are now refugees for the third time. Their first experience was in 1870 when they had to file before the invading Germans, who later destroyed their homes. They had the same experience in 1914 and last year, when the Boches were pushed back, they returned and were able to rebuild with the assistance of the ARC. This spring in the German advance they were forced once more to leave and their last backward glance showed their house in flames. They have five sons in the army and three others have been killed since the war started. They have cared for eleven grandchildren. This picture shows them on their arrival at the ARC canteen at the Gare du Nord in Paris July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513367
42. Playground in the Marseilles Child Welfare Exposition given by the ARC. The idea of a public playground supported by public funds and open to every child is an innovation in France. The adult public of Marseilles outside the fence are just as interested in American games taught by ARC playground experts as the children June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513120
43. Capt. Carter Hathawa, ARC, in charge of the Berlin ARC. Warehouses for Repatriation of Russian Prisoners of War. Camp Supplies Dept. No. 22. Lunebergeritasse Warehouse, Berlin 26 May 1919

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19502059
44. A side show outside the Marseilles Child Welfare Exposition, given by the ARC. The interest shown by the Marseilles children in the American games taught them by ARC playground experts was great, but they still enjoy their own native sport of donkey riding June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513122
45. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Philippe family living near St. Etienne who have been dependent upon help from the ARC. Bureau of Refugees. About four years ago they arrived at St. Etienne and lived in a dingy, dark and insanitary room in the refugee district. Father and boy fell sick and French authorities moved them to the country because the father was gardener. The elder boy continued to be sick, so the ARC visiting nurse assisted in getting them into the country in lodgings at Rochevaille and the father obtained employment as card driver for a small factory. The children and the parents are all well and strong now and well pleased with their surroundings, have a small garden of their own and have applied to the bureau for a mother rabbit 16 July 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19524754
46. Staff of nurses at Chateau des Halles ARC hospital for refugee and repatrie children near Lyon. The group includes both French and ARC workers July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513340
47. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Mrs. Whitlaw Reid and Colonel Gibson, A.R.C., visiting Hospital #3, 4 Rue Chevereux, (Hospital for Officers). Mrs. Whitelaw Reid & Colonel Gibson ARC commissioner for France visiting wounded American officers in the garden of American military hospital No. 3, Rue de Chevreuse, Paris. This was formerly a club for American women Art students established by Mrs. Reid & was converted by the ARC into a hospital for American officers August 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525095
48. Captain Kelly and Lieutenant Lilianthal of the splint Department of the ARC. Demonstrating the use of the Trench Litter as adopted by the U.S. Army in the perfection of which the ARC was largely instrumental 4 December 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19520607
49. Work of the ARC in the Otranto disaster. The ARC man, Lieut James Jeffers of East Orange, N.J. after working all day and late into the night in the task of relief and recovery, steals an hour from his sleep in order to put one of the survivors uniforms into shape. Lieut. James Jeffers was carpenter, tailor, chauffeur and general factotum along the Scotch coast for a fortnight while the work was pressing and the number of workers inadequate [ca. 1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19515089
50. Children at Chateau des Halles. ARC hospital for refugee and repatrie children near Lyon, welcoming a new ARC worker who has just arrived. He is a dentist and then being so happy to see him probably indicates their unfamiliarity with the attentions of dentists July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513338
51. Front of the ARC. Hospital at Rimini, in auto, Major Aldrich, dead of the ARC. Journalist. In front [...] S. Lothrop of Boston, head of the Refugee relief at Rimini. In front of the Hospital, Miss Prout to left Miss C. and Italian nurses, Italian doctors 15 May 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19512319
52. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Mrs. Whitlaw Reid and Colonel Gibson, A.R.C., visiting Hospital #3, 4 Rue Chevereux, (Hospital for Officers). Mrs. Whitelaw Reid & Colonel Gibson ARC commissioner for France visiting wounded American officers in the garden of American military hospital No. 3, Rue de Chevreuse, Paris. This was formerly a club for American women Art students established by Mrs. Reid & was converted by the ARC into a hospital for American officers August 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525097
53. Mrs. Church (on the right) directress of the ARC canteen at Orry-la-Ville with one of her assistants and Mr. Hiley, ARC accountant. Chateau of Chantilly in the background 27 August 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514037
54. The ARC office in Jassy. The office, which was one of the cleanest and best oppointed in Romania, was on the main street of the provitional capital. All soldiers going to or from the front passed this office, and the Stars and Stripes and the flag of the ARC were always in full view to remind the troops that generous and far away America had come to the aid of their country. The office was in charge of Capt. Ames A. Mills., who is now serving the Red Cross in France. Col. Anderson, Chairman of the American Mission, and Mr. Arthur Baker, Commissioner of the British Red Cross Society, may be seen at the entrance 5 February 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19501231
55. ARC workhouses at Adinkerk, Belgium. In these workhouses were a military rations were furnished and handled by the ARC for the civil population during the past year. They stand on what is known as the "spinal column" of the Belgian front within 8 miles of the front line November 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19526977
56. Scenes at a little town in Northern Italy, where the ARC is distributing food to the civilians who were left destitute after the Austrian evacuation. There were just such pictures in almost every town north of the Piave, where, had it not been for the ARC relief many of the people, half-starved from the Austrians left could not have survived January 1919 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19528552
57. ARC. Uniforms. Cap-ARC. Motor Corps November 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500752
58. Expressive toes. Dinner out of doors at La Chaux ARC home for refugee children at Lyon ARC nurses care for the little ones 24 July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513275
59. Major D.T. Pierce, head of the Department of Pub. Information of the ARC in France, pays a visit to the London headquarters of the ARC [ca. 1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19515097
60. The Sous Prefet of Montbrison furnished this warehouse which the ARC stocks with furniture to be used by the Sous Prefet and the Comisaire of Police for the benefit of refugees who are placed in private homes. Miss Porter, head of the ARC, Bureau of Refugees, is delivering the goods to the Comisaire and the Sous Prefet [1918]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513633

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