The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
41. Ceaușescu, Nicolae Exposition on the programme of the Romanian Communist Party for the improvement of ideological activity, for raising the general level of knowledge and the socialist education of the masses, for grounding the relations in our society on the principles of Socialist and Communist ethics and equity. Decision of the Plenum of the Central Committee of the Romanian Communist Party. [Bucharest]: Romanian News Agency; [1971]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10061413
42. American Society of Christian Ethics Selected papers. Annual meeting - American Society of Christian Ethics

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11222097
43. Society of Christian Ethics (U.S.). Annual Meeting Selected papers from the ... annual meeting Dallas, Tex: The Society of Christian Ethics

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18145335
44. Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences The Hastings Center studies [Hastings-on-Hudson, N.Y.]: Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences; 1973-1974

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17583272
45. American Society of Christian Ethics Selected papers ... annual meeting Chicago, Ill: American Society of Christian Ethics and Scholars Press; ©1975-©1979

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18145384
46. Institute of Society, Ethics, and the Life Sciences Hastings cent. rep. Hastings-on-Hudson, NY: Institute of Society, Ethics and the Life Sciences; 1971-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13698120
47. Symposium on the Peer Review--Editing Process (1990 : San Antonio, Tex.) Research ethics, manuscript review, and journal quality Madison, WI, USA: American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, Soil Science Society of America; 1992

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4394604
48. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics

49. Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics

50. European Society for Research in Ethics. Conference (1992 : Woudschoten, Netherlands) The turn to applied ethics Kampen: Kok Pharos Pub. House; c1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3968975
51. International Conference on "Journalism, Ethics, and Society in the Age of Globalization" (2006 : New Delhi, India) National Press Day [New Delhi]: Press Council of India; [2006]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14938818
52. Ohio State Medical Society Constitution and by-laws of the Ohio State Medical Society, together with the Code of Medical Ethics Cincinnati: S.G. Cobb, book printer; 1863

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14275155
53. Ohio State Medical Society Report of the special committee on medical ethics to the tenth annual meeting of the Ohio State Medical Society, held in Zanesville, June 5th, 1855 Eaton, O: Tizzard & Albright, book and job printers; 1855

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14670721
54. Ceaușescu, Nicolae Exposition on the programme of the Romanian Communist Party for the improvement of ideological activity, for raising the general level of knowledge and the socialist education of the masses, for grounding the relations in our society on the principles of Socialist and Communist ethics and equity [Bucharest]: Romanian News Agency; [1971]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1727215
55. American Society of Civil Engineers. Department of Professional Activities. Ethics, professionalism, and maintaining competence New York: American Society of Civil Engineers; c1977

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3705527
56. American Society of Mechanical Engineers Unwritten laws of ethics and change in engineering New York, NY: American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME); [c2015]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18598263
57. Leonard, C. Henri (Charles Henri), 1850-1925 The codes of medical ethics, (American medical association, American institute of homoeopathy, National eclectic society.) and advertiser

58. Society for the Study of Christian Ethics Stud. Christ. ethics

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13406815
59. Society for the Study of Christian Ethics Studies in Christian ethics

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20841421
60. International Society for Business, Economics and Ethics. Quadrennial World Congress (3rd : 2004 : Melbourne, Vic.) Global perspectives on ethics of corporate governance New York: Palgrave Macmillan; 2006

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14322655

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