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1. Harris & Ewing French air conquerors of South Atlantic Ocean pay homage to America's Unknown Soldier. Lieuts. Dieudonne Cestes and Joseph Lebrix, daring French flyers who were the first to conquer the South South Atlantic Ocean by air, placing a wreath on the tomb of America's Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery today 1928 February 9

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20265250
2. French

LC Classification (LCC)
History Of The Americas. US Local History and British, Dutch, French, Latin, and Spanish America--Latin America. Spanish America--South America--Colombia--Elements in the population--Individual elements, A-Z--French ; French in Colombia
3. French children find Fairy land. A little letter came recently to Junior Red Cross of America Headquarters to Paris from these two French boys. It was intended for all American school children. From the ruins of Soissons, where they had lived through hardships that brought on symptoms of tuberculosis they were taken to the home of a fisherman's family on the shores of Brittany. Junior Red Cross funds financed this expedition of several hundred children, including these two lads. During three months they will paly and live in the open air, receive nourishing food and milk and have a chance to forget. It seem like fairy land to them and with inborn French politeness they have asked that their thanks be sent across the sea to those children who have not forgotten their lonely, miserable existences April 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19516215
4. Harris & Ewing French air conquerors of South Atlantic Ocean pay homage to America's Unknown Soldier. Lieuts. Dieudonne Cestes and Joseph Lebrix, daring French flyers who were the first to conquer the South South Atlantic Ocean by air, placing a wreath on the tomb of America's Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery today

5. French children find Fairy land. A little letter came recently to Junior Red Cross of America Headquarters to Paris from these two French boys. It was intended for all American school children. From the ruins of Soissons, where they had lived through hardships that brought on symptoms of tuberculosis they were taken to the home of a fisherman's family on the shores of Brittany. Junior Red Cross funds financed this expedition of several hundred children, including these two lads. During three months they will paly and live in the open air, receive nourishing food and milk and have a chance to forget. It seem like fairy land to them and with inborn French politeness they have asked that their thanks be sent across the sea to those children who have not forgotten their lonely, miserable existences

6. Harris & Ewing Col. Lindbergh receives Harmon trophy. The highlight of today's session of the International Civil Aeronautics Conference was the presentation of the Harmon Trophy to Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, America's air ace. The trophy is awarded annually by the International League of Aviators to the man voted to have done the most for aeronautics that year In the photograph, left to right: William McCracken, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aviation; Pierre Etienne Flandin, Vice President of the International League of Aviators and chief of the French delegation to the air conference, who presented the trophy; Col. Lindbergh; and Orville Wright, Inventor of the first airplane in America 1928 December 13

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20265718
7. French

LC Classification (LCC)
History Of The Americas. America and United States--United States--The Civil War, 1861-1865--Armies. Troops--The Union Army--Participation by race, ethnic group, religious group, etc., A-Z--French ; French in the United States--Civil War
8. Harris & Ewing Col. Lindbergh receives Harmon trophy. The highlight of today's session of the International Civil Aeronautics Conference was the presentation of the Harmon Trophy to Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, America's air ace. The trophy is awarded annually by the International League of Aviators to the man voted to have done the most for aeronautics that year In the photograph, left to right: William McCracken, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Aviation; Pierre Etienne Flandin, Vice President of the International League of Aviators and chief of the French delegation to the air conference, who presented the trophy; Col. Lindbergh; and Orville Wright, Inventor of the first airplane in America

9. Cain, Frank, 1931- America's Vietnam War and its French connection New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; 2017

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19380769
10. Two 'White Hopes' of France. French boys in the devastated regions of the Aisne practicing with a pair of boxing gloves sent to them by the Junior Red Cross of America. In imitation of their former doughboy friends hundreds of growing boys who lived near the front lines in time of war have acquired a real American enthusiasm for baseball, boxing and football. At the orphanage in Toul they are enjoying their play hours with the games and outdoor sports' equipment sent to them by American school children 26 August 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19517389
11. Turkey's bill boards. There are no operas of a serious plays in Constantinople. The people content themselves with cheap vaudivill [sic] or moving pictures of an indifferent quality. This picture shows one of the leading theatres of the city. It is named the "Theatre America" in honor of the arrival of the American Red Cross unit in the Turkish capital to open a supply base for the caring of the Russian refugees. The billboards telling of the show are printed in Greek, Turkish and French to accommodate the various audience 1 September 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19517046
12. Cain, Frank, 1931- America's Vietnam War and its French connection New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group; 2017

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19378922
13. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- The Hotel De Paris Museum, open for tours by arrangement only in Georgetown, Colorado, is owned and operated by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Colorado. Louis Dupuy's legendary dates to the area's silver mining boom of the late 19th Century, when it served as a first-class French restaurant, showroom for traveling salesmen, and luxurious hotel during the Gilded Age 2016-06-26

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20373642
14. Turkey's bill boards. There are no operas of a serious plays in Constantinople. The people content themselves with cheap vaudivill [sic] or moving pictures of an indifferent quality. This picture shows one of the leading theatres of the city. It is named the "Theatre America" in honor of the arrival of the American Red Cross unit in the Turkish capital to open a supply base for the caring of the Russian refugees. The billboards telling of the show are printed in Greek, Turkish and French to accommodate the various audience

15. Cain, Frank, 1931- America's Vietnam War and its French connection

16. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- The Hotel De Paris Museum, open for tours by arrangement only in Georgetown, Colorado, is owned and operated by The National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of Colorado. Louis Dupuy's legendary dates to the area's silver mining boom of the late 19th Century, when it served as a first-class French restaurant, showroom for traveling salesmen, and luxurious hotel during the Gilded Age

17. Cain, Frank, 1931- America's Vietnam War and its French connection

18. Two 'White Hopes' of France. French boys in the devastated regions of the Aisne practicing with a pair of boxing gloves sent to them by the Junior Red Cross of America. In imitation of their former doughboy friends hundreds of growing boys who lived near the front lines in time of war have acquired a real American enthusiasm for baseball, boxing and football. At the orphanage in Toul they are enjoying their play hours with the games and outdoor sports' equipment sent to them by American school children

19. Left to right, standing: Lt. Charles R. Codman, 96 Aero Sqdrn, 59 Marlborough St., Boston St. Henry Carvill Lewis, 51 Cliveden Ave. Germantown, Pa.; Lieut. Robert G. Browning, 1911 Girard Ave., Minneapolis, Minn. Sitting: the famous Capt. James Norman Hall, Colfax, Iowa, author of "Kitchener's Mob," High Adventure, etc.; Former tommy in British army for two years, Lafayette Escadrille flier and American army captain captured after German shell hit his motor and crashed his machine. Capt. Hall was captured unconscious and with both legs broken, at the ankle. He now limps. He wears the Crois de Guerre, Medaille Militaire and Reforme ribbon. He holds model of aeroplane made by French internes in Switzerland whose products are marketed in America by the ARC all four were assisted in "escaping" from Germany (Landshut prison camp) by a German officer

20. Harris & Ewing French Ambassador accepts rubber tired railwaycar for use in France. The French Ambassador to the United States M. Paul Claudel with his daughter Rene at the Union Station in Washington today where the Ambassador christened "The Lafayette" the first pneumatic-tired rail-car built in America to embody the latest improvements of American and French engineers. The car, which can travel a mile a minute and seats thirty people, was built for use in France by an American firm 5-16-32 [16 May 1934]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20266460

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