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61. Storing flour in the ARC warehouse at Lyon which supplies all the ARC institutions in the district, the Chateau des Halles (hospital for repatrie and refugee children) Chateau Holtzman (for contagious diseases among refugee children) La Chaux (home for refugee children) and St. Eugenie (tuberculosis hospital) July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513364
62. Storing flour in the ARC warehouse at Lyon which supplies all the ARC institutions in the district, the Chateau des Halles (hospital for repatrie and refugee children) Chateau Holtzman (for contagious diseases among refugee children) La Chaux (home for refugee children) and St. Eugenie (tuberculosis hospital) July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513366
63. How the ARC nurse lives in an Army Camp Hospital in England the "Nurses Home" at the Knotty Ash Hospital Liverpool. It consists of two fine old residences thrown together and furnished with a view to the utmost possible comfort 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19514930
64. The little mirror he holds in his wounded hand interests this wounded American soldier more than his discarded reading and writing. Perhaps he is going to write home how well he looks. Scene in the American Red Cross Military Hospital No. 5, a complete portable tent hospital at Auteuil on the site of what was before the war a celebrated race course May 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513752
65. The Sophie Gumbel Home which has just been completed. The Red Cross has turned it into an emergency hospital, during the Influenza epidemic. Dr. G.M. Corput of the U.S. Public Health Dept. is in charge of the hospital. The Red Cross furnished beds, nurses, orderlies and everything else. It was some job to handle such a proposition and $30,000 was spent to get the thing started, giving beds, etc [ca. 1918 or 1919]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500485
66. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Miss Huldah Salter, Searcher in the home Communication Service, asking a group of soldiers for information about some of those who have been lost or missing. Getting information for the Home Communication Service. In the garden of the AMERICAN RED CROSS recreation hut at Orleans. Miss Huldah Salter, AMERICAN RED CROSS hospital searcher, questioning a group of soldiers about some of their comrades who are missing September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525695
67. Samuel Gompers, President of the American Federation of Labor, visits American wounded with American Red Cross party, at military hospital near London: One of the convalescents, on crutches almost forgets his injuries in his eagerness to read the baseball scores in the Red Cross Daily Bulletin of News from Home. He is Corporal James E. Jones of Bradley Beach, N.J

68. At the ARC warehouses Lyon. Leading cases of supplies for one of the ARC institutions in the neighborhood. This warehouse stores provisions for Chateau des Halles (hospital for refugee and repatrie children) Chateau Holtzman (hospital for contagious diseases among refugee children) La Chaux (home for refugee children) and St. Eugenie (tuberculosis hospital) 24 July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513277
69. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Military Hospital #1. Ask Miss Sullivan. The middle west in Paris. Wounded soldier from North Dakota finds himself almost at home talking to the nurse from Iowa, on the roof of the American Military Hospital No. 1 at Neuilly, which is supported by the AMERICAN RED CROSS September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525368
70. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Trudeau Sanitarium, Hachette. Little Chalois is the eleventh child in a family of twelve. Although his mother is a drunkard, he is being made a normal child. Chalois, who is the eleventh child in a family of twelve, and whose mother is a drunkard, did not have much of a chance at home, but he is becoming a healthy normal child at Trudeau Sanitarium, Hachette, near Paris. The manor house of Hachette is an AMERICAN RED CROSS hospital for tubercular women. In the grounds nearby barracks have been built where about 180 children are housed, each for a period of three months or more. They are under-nourished children of tubercular tendencies, many of whom have tubercular parents. They are brought from bad living conditions in the cities and the good nourishment and outdoor life at Hachette go far to establish their health permanently September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525723
71. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Adjoining this garden (in background is the famous cathedral of Orleans.) Getting information for the Home Communication Service. In the garden of the AMERICAN RED CROSS recreation hut at Orleans. Miss Huldah Salter, AMERICAN RED CROSS hospital searcher, questioning a group of soldiers about some of their comrades who are missing. Adjoining this garden a glimpse may be seen of the famous Cathedral of Orleans beyond the houses in the background September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525698
72. Brooms for sale. Brooms are plentiful in Serbia and street merchants can always be found with a big load of their own home made brooms for sale. They are made with long handles and without any handles at all. Many housewives prefer their brooms without handles for this part of the broom is the most expensive. Some women use them without handles while others make one handle last for several brooms. At the American Red Cross hospital in Skopjle the convalescents employ their time making brooms which are sold in the town and the proceeds given the patients when they leave the institution 22 July 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19517023
73. Great Britain. Joint Working Party on the Integration of Medical Work. Sub-group on General Practitioners in the Hospital Service. General practitioners in the hospital service Edinburgh: H.M.S.O.; 1973

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2675843
74. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Boy from up-state in New York. Arm was taken off by shrapnel "Going home soon" Hospital No. 5, Auteuil. One of the "U.S. State" New York boys talking over his intended trip back home with a Red Cross nurse at AMERICAN RED CROSS Hospital No 5 Auteuil. His arm was taken off by shrapnel September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19526197
75. First attempts at exercise. Convalescent American officers in the garden of American Military Hospital no. 3, Rue de Cheveruse, Paris. Before the war this was the home of a club for American women art students established by Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. It has now been converted by the A.R.C. into a hospital for American officers September 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500172
76. First attempts at exercise. Convalescent American officers in the garden of American Military Hospital no. 3, Rue de Cheveruse, Paris. Before the war this was the home of a club for American women art students established by Mrs. Whitelaw Reid. It has now been converted by the A.R.C. into a hospital for American officers September 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19500171
77. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Mrs. Van Kuren, American Red Cross Representative in the recreation hut at Base Hospital No. 6, near Bordeaux is showing a wounded American soldier a telegram just received telling him that all is right at home. One of his friends here, in bed for several months had no news from home for months. Mrs. Van Kuren cabled home for him, and telegraphed to Tours, secured his mail and cheered him up with a batch of 19 letters. It will help his recovery materially October 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19526423
78. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Trudeau Sanitarium, Hachette. Pierrot (having shoe put on) is being greatly benefitted by the life here, but his father is so homesick for him that he has sent to have Pierre sent back to him. Mother died of tuberculosis. Pierre, who is sitting on the edge of the sand box, loves the life at Trudeau Sanitarium, but since his mother died of tuberculosis his father misses him so much he has sent for Pierre to come home. Picture taken at Trudeau Sanitorium, Hachette, near Paris. The manor house of Hachette is an AMERICAN RED CROSS hospital for tubercular women. In the grounds nearby barracks have been built where about 180 children are housed, each for a period of three months or more. They are under-nourished children of tubercular tendencies, many of whom have tubercular parents. They are brought from bad living conditions in the cities and the good nourishment and outdoor life at Hachette go far to establish their health permanently September 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19525727
79. Loading flour at the ARC warehouse at Lyon. This warehouse stores and ship supplies for all the ARC institution in the district-Chateau des Halles (hospital for refugee and repatrie children) Chateau Holtzman (for contagious diseases among refugee children) La Chaux (home for refugee children) St. Eugenie (tuberculosis hospital) July 1918 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19513346
80. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 France needed the Mother of this Child More than it Did. This child, born in a cellar during an air raid, was left in an A.R.C. hospital by its mother where only three weeks old. She said that France needed her far more in the fields then the child did in her home 22 June 1918

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19524534

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