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61. Palmer, Alfred T. Tennessee Valley Authority. Construction of Douglas Dam. Negro jackhammer operator at TVA's new Douglas Dam on the French Broad River. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet long, with a 31,600 acre reservoir area extending forty-three miles upstream. With a useful storage capacity of approximately 1,330,00 acre feet, this reservoir will make possible the addition of nearly 100,000 kilowatts of continuous power to the TVA system in dry years and almost 170,000 kilowatts in the average year 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19640349
62. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. New Tennessee Valley Authority synthetic ammonia plant. An operator in the hydrogen section of the TVA's new synthetic plant in the Muscle Shoals area. Ammonia is made here by the high-pressure synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen. The ammonia thus secured is converted at Muscle Shoals to ammonium nitrate for use in the making of high explosive shells. In addition to the production of munitions, the TVA is engaged in research in many fields, seeking new sources of strategic materials and better ways to utilize them in the war effort 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19639549
63. Rosener, Ann Manpower. Americans all. Like most of the young workers in a huge Midwest medium-tank plant, Herman Silldorf is an American of foreign-born parents. A skilled machine operator, young Silldorf, whose parents came here from Germany, processes parts for medium tanks with the hope that some day soon he'll be driving one of those tanks, taking a direct (instead of an indirect) slap at the Axis. Pressed Steel Can Company, Chicago, Illinois 1942 Sept

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638856
64. Hollem, Howard R. Conversion. Floor waxer plant. Erstwhile elevator operator, this employee of a small Eastern plant finds a touch of similarity between levers of the old job and the new. But he's one of America's war production workers now, due to the company's subcontract for war production. Floorola Products Inc., York, Pennsylvania 1942 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19635416
65. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Airplane manufacture, general. A squeeze riveted in operation at the Inglewood, California, plant of North American Aviation, Incorporated. The operator works the machine as he assembles parts for the horizontal and vertical stabilizers for the control surfaces of bomber and fighter planes. This plant produces the battle-tested B-25 ("Billy Mitchell") bomber, used in General Doolittle's raid on Tokyo, and the P-51 ("Mustang") fighter plane, which was first brought into prominence by the British raid on Dieppe 1942 Oct

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19640583
66. Smith, Roger Office of Civilian Defense worker help protect nation's capital. Nerve center of civilian defense communications. A message center keeps constantly in touch with developments throughout the city by telephone and radio. A vital part of civilian defense work is the proper handling of trouble calls, assignment of crews to troubled areas and the passing on of orders for prompt action. One operator is connected with the first aid center, one with the decontamination squad, one with the disaster unit and another with the emergency service division. Girls shown at work in the message center of central alarm system, Washington, D.C. 1943 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19643211
67. Palmer, Alfred T. Negroes speed war work for Tennessee Valley Authority. Earl Tulloss is a skilled operator of a dragline capable of moving a fifth of a carload of coal at once. He is president of the Hod Carriers' local union at Watts Bar Steam Plant of TVA, and is active in labor-management campaigns for sale of war bonds, and reduction of absenteeism 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19643250
68. Palmer, Alfred T. Tennessee Valley Authority. Construction of Douglas Dam. Negro drill machine operator at TVA's new Douglas Dam on the French Broad River. This dam will be 161 feet high and 1,682 feet long, with a 31,600 acre reservoir area extending forty-three miles upstream. With a useful storage capacity of approximately 1,330,000 acre-feet this reservoir will make possible the addition of nearly 100,000 kilowatts of continuous power to the TVA system in dry years and almost 170,000 kilowatts in the average year 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19640338
69. Rosener, Ann Harvest for Hitler. There's no cow punching done at this Iowa dairy farm, but blonde Cleoda Knoblauch sits at a press eight hours a day punching holes in cylinders to be used by the army. Cleoda, a veteran machine operator, is one of the many women workers employed by Ed Sundholm in his Albert City, Iowa arsenal, which was formerly a model farm 1942 Aug

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638281
70. Rosener, Ann Production. Aircraft engines. She used to be a librarian, now she inspects aircraft parts. Prior to Alma Jean Vincent's employment in a large Midwestern aircraft plant, she managed the junior book section of a suburban library. She had also been an assistant buyer of sportswear, but this lack of industrial experience seems to have been no handicap for her present job of visual gauge operator, inspecting airplane motor parts. With only six months of war work behind her, she's more than meeting plant requirements for speed and precision. Melrose Park, Buick plant 1942 July

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638499
71. Rosener, Ann Production. Aircraft engines. Foreman F.I. Bowman shows Marietta Morgan how to operate this bomb-test machine used to test reconditioned spark plugs. A young Negro girl, Marietta, had formerly been a clerk in a meat market. Her lack of industrial experience, however, has been no handicap for her present war job in a large Midwest airplane plant. She's rapidly becoming a skilled and efficient machine operator. Melrose Park, Buick plant 1942 July

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638502
72. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. New Tennessee Valley Authority synthetic ammonia plant. An operator adjusts a gate valve in the ammonia condenser section of the TVA's new synthetic ammonia plant in the Muscle Shoals area. Ammonia is made here by the high-pressure synthesis of nitrogen and hydrogen. The ammonia thus secured is converted at Muscle Shoals into ammonium nitrate for use in the making of high explosive shells. In addition to the production of munitions, the TVA is engaged in research in many fields, seeking new sources of strategic materials and better ways to utilize them in the war effort 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19639560
73. Rosener, Ann Manpower. Handicapped workers. Joseph Witte, twenty-eight years old, is one of Uncle Sam's disabled war workers. With both legs afflicted by infantile paralysis, he's nevertheless an expert lathe operator and assistant foreman in a Baltimore factory. He's shown here turning the inside radius of spacers, which are part of an airplane motor's supercharger. White Engineering Company, Baltimore, Maryland 1942 Aug

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638651
74. Hollem, Howard R. Naval air base, Corpus Christi, Texas. She's still connecting lines--this former telephone operator who is learning how to solder iron wires. Jo Ann Whitington is being trained through an National Youth Administration (NYA) program for a civil service job in the assembly and repairs department of the naval air base at Corpus Christi, Texas. She will be a helper in electrical overhauling work 1942 Aug

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19640042
75. Rosener, Ann Manpower. Handicapped workers. A victim of infantile paralysis, Robert H. Drake, twenty-six, does a job any man would be proud of. He's an expert drill press operator in a Baltimore factory which makes airplane motor parts. Despite restricted use of both legs and his right arm, Robert maintains high production standards both for speed and quality of work. White Engineering Company, Baltimore, Maryland 1942 Aug

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19638649
76. Palmer, Alfred T. Antiaircraft gun carriage. Paint for protection and for camouflage. This masked operator is painting parts that will be assembled into a thirty-seven-millimeter antiaircraft gun carriage. War program production scene in one of Pennsylvania's heavy industry plants now converted to the production of vitally needed military equipment. AETNA. Ellwood CIty, Pennsylvania 1941 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19645566
77. Palmer, Alfred T. Negroes speed war work for Tennessee Valley Authority. Earl M. Qualls, car dumper operator at Watts Bar, is job steward of the Hod Carriers' local union on TVAuthority, and is active in combatting absenteeism and in furthering war bond Red Cross drives 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19643245
78. Baune Conversion. Auto radiators to army helmets. The rim of an army helmet is formed on a press from steel rod. Finished rims are shown on the hook below the operator's right hand. The helmets are made in an Eastern plant converted by retooling from the production of automobile radiators. McCool Radiator Company, Detroit, Michigan 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637962
79. Palmer, Alfred T. Production. Pipe welding. Giving the production drive his personal attention. This husky machine operator in a large Midwest machine shop is a type of manpower that is helping to show America's might against the Axis. Tube Turn Incorporated 1942 Jan

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637353
80. Smith, Roger Office of Civilian Defense worker help protect nation's capital. Nerve center of Civilian Defense communications. A message center keeps constantly in touch with developments throughout the city by telephone and radio. A vital part of civilian defense work is the proper handling of trouble calls, assignment of crews to troubled areas and the passing on of orders for prompt action. One operator is connected with the first aid center, one with the decontamination squad, one with the disaster unit and another with the emergency service division. Girls shown at work in the message center of central alarm system, Washington, D.C. 1943 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19643208

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