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41. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Boiling down sap into maple syrup in evaporator in Walter Gaylord's house in Waitsfield, Mad River Valley, Vermont. He averages about 150 gallons of syrup annually but this year tapped only 600 out of his 1000 trees, because of unusually deep snow and late spring. He owns several farms in this particular farm unit there are eighty acres. It has been in the family for three generations. He has about forty head of cattle, raises poultry, and potatoes

42. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Vat and cans used in gathering sap for maple syrup outside sugar house on Frank Shurtleff's farm. North Bridgewater, Vermont

43. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Mr. Shurtleff's child sitting on top of vat and sled in which sap for maple syrup is gathered. Bridgewater, near Woodstock, Vermont

44. [Trademark registration by Scudder, Conn & Brown for Scudder's Canada Sap brand Maple Sirup]

45. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Frank H. Shurtleff carrying vat to sugar house where sap from sugar maple trees is boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts timber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848771
46. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young daughter of Frank H. Shurtleff going towards the sugar house where sap from sugar maple trees is boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snows this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848773
47. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Hired man and son of Frank H. Shurtleff returning to sugar house with vat of maple sap to be boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by the grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848665
48. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 The hired man on Frank H. Shurtleff farm gathering maple sap from sugar maple trees to make syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848740
49. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 The hired man on Frank H. Shurtleff farm gathering maple sap from sugar maple trees to make syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848742
50. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Young daughter of Frank H. Shurtleff sitting outside sugar house where sap from maple trees is boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in around one thousand dollars annually. Becasue of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848777
51. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Young son of Frank H. Shurtleff driving sled with vat of sap from sugar maple trees which is boiled down into maple syrup. Te Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848781
52. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young daughter of Frank H. Shurtleff going towards the sugar house where sap from sugar maple trees is boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snows this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848779
53. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Buckets hanging on spouts to catch the sap from maple sugar trees from which is made maple syrup. On Frank H. Shurtleff place. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848783
54. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Hired man and son of Frank H. Shurtleff returning to sugar house with vat of maple sap to be boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by the grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848664
55. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Hired man and son of Frank H. Shurtleff returning to sugar house with vat of maple sap to be boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848666
56. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: The hired man on Frank H. Shurtleff farm gathering maple sap from sugar maple trees to make syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848741
57. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Young daughter of Frank H. Shurtleff going towards the sugar house where sap from sugar maple trees is boiled down into maple syrup. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snows this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848778
58. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young son of Frank H. Shurtleff driving sled with vat of sap from sugar maple trees which is boiled down into maple syrup. Te Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres, and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-five years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848782
59. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Young neighbor of Frank H. Shurtleff resting in the snow while gathering sap from sugar trees for making maple syrup. Sugaring is a social event and is enjoyed by all young people and children in the neighborhood. The Shurtleff farm has about 400 acres and was originally purchased by grandfather in 1840. He raises sheep, cows, cuts lumber, and has been making maple syrup for about thirty-fiv years. Sugaring brings in about one thousand dollars annually. Because of the deep snow this year he only tapped 1000 of his 2000 trees. He expects to make about 300 to 500 gallons this year. North Bridgewater, Vermont] [1940 Apr.?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848765
60. Wolcott, Marion Post, 1910-1990 Son of Walter Gaylord gathering sap from sugar maple trees which is to be boiled down into maple syrup. Mad River Valley, Waitsfield, Vermont. He averages about 150 gallons of syrup annually, this year tapped only 600 out of his 1000 trees, because of unusually deep snow and late spring. He owns several farms; in this particular farm unit there are eighty acres. It has been in family for three generations. Has about thity-five or forty-five head of cattle, raises poultry and potatoes 1940 Apr.?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19848734

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