The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
41. Whitty, Geoff Devolution and choice in education Buckingham [England]; Bristol, PA, USA: Open University Press; 1998

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1651910
42. Siegers, Jacques J., 1948- Female labour market behaviour and fertility Berlin; New York: Springer-Verlag; c1991

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4850877
43. Jones, Stanley B. Improving the medicare market Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press; 1996

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 692296
44. Zarkin, Gary A. Occupational choice 1982

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4234076
45. Pierce, Wayne Brooks, 1961- Occupational choice 1990

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2537193
46. Schmookler, Andrew Bard The illusion of choice Albany: State University of New York Press; c1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1544629
47. Gillroy, John Martin, 1954- The Moral dimensions of public policy choice Pittsburgh, PA: University of Pittsburgh Press; c1992

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4852094
48. Thumann, Albert Customer choice Lilburn, GA: Fairmont Press

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4035364
49. Bryant, Arthur, 1899-1985 A choice for destiny London: Collins; [1962]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10317824
50. Howard, David Sanctuary The choice of the private trader London: Zwemmer; 1994

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2544571
51. Henig, Jeffrey R., 1951- Rethinking school choice Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press; c1994

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2522032
52. Asen, Robert, 1968- School choice and the betrayal of democracy University Park, Pennsylvania: The Pennsylvania State University Press; [2021]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22029661
53. Annas, George J. Some choice New York: Oxford University Press; 1998

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1183359
54. Lawlor, Eamonn Individual choice and higher growth Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2951637
55. Campbell, Craig, 1949- School choice Crows Nest, N.S.W.: Allen & Unwin; 2009

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16928414
56. European Commission Opening up to choice Luxembourg: European Commission, Directorate-General for Energy

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11854491
57. Frölich, Markus Statistical treatment choice Bonn, Germany: IZA; [2006]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14434342
58. Eng, Soo-Peck, 1931- The effects of high school tracking and subject choice on post-secondary education and labor market outcomes

59. Zetterström, Erik Residential mobility and tenure choice in the Swedish housing market

60. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Karl Witklwskr, 812 Walnut St., Market vender. 11 years of age. 1 year at work. Works of own choice. Earns percentage of money received from stand, amounting to an average of 50 cents a week. Money not needed at home. Works of own volition. Investigator, Edward F. Brown


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