The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
21. Building materials industry

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering--Environmental effects of industries and plants--Special industries, facilities, activities, etc., A-Z--Building materials industry ; Building materials industry--Environmental effects
22. Japan's new materials industries

23. Palmer, Alfred T. Aluminum casting. Womens' place seems to be on the inspection line in this plant which has been converted to the production of war materials. This young worker is inspecting magnesium alloy and castings. Aluminum Industries Inc., Cincinnati, Ohio

24. South Africa. Board of Trade and Industries. Rebate of the duty on bleached kraft paper for the manufacture of wrapping paper and paperboard, printed or designed ; Rebate of the duties on certain raw materials for the manufacture of asbestos jointing and friction materials ; Rebate of the duty on dibutyl phthalate for general industrial purposes ; Rebate of the duty on dichlorodifluoromethane or trichloromethane and mixtures containing dichlorodifuoromethane or trichloromonofluoromethane or both ; Rebate of the duties on certain products of iron or steel Pretoria: Govt. Printer : obtainable from the Dept. of Industries; [1973]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4112805
25. Raw Materials Research and Development Council (Nigeria) Handbook on specifications of raw materials utilized by Nigerian industries Abuja: Raw Materials Research and Development Council; 2005

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15072570
26. Harris & Ewing Map depicts significant story on pickup in American industry. Washington, D.C. March 30. Tow lines on this chart hanging in the office of Isador Lubin, Commissioner of Labor Statistics, U.S. Department of Labor, tell a significant story of the pickup in American Industry since 1933. Mr. Lubin points to line no. 1 which represents the consumers or nondurable goods industries (food, clothing, etc.) it began to climb in 1933 and has been on the upgrade ever since. Line no. 2 represents durable goods or heavy industry (steel building materials, machinery). It was hardest hit by the depression, lagged far behind even during most of 1936. But line no. 2 is going almost straight up. By March 1, it has attained a level almost parallel with consumers goods. This means that for the first time since 1929, payrolls in vital heavy industries are once again in a normal relation to payrolls in the consumer industries [19]37 March 30

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20247882
27. International Conference on Functionally Graded Materials, Technology Leveraged Applications (2002 : Denver, Colo.) Functionally graded materials, technology leveraged applications Princeton, NJ: Metal Powder Industries Federation; c2002

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13323405
28. Trekhmesiachnyǐ biulleten'. (United Nations. Economic and Social Council. Economic Commission for Europe. Industry and Materials Committtee) (Zheneva

29. Raw Materials Research and Development Council (Nigeria). Multi-Disciplinary Task Force on Raw Materials for Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industries. Report of the Multi-Disciplinary Task Force on the Update of Techno-Economic Survey on Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Sector Abuja: Raw Materials Research and Development Council; [1996]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12134578
30. Raw Materials Research and Development Council (Nigeria) Handbook on specifications for raw materials utilized by Nigerian industries Abuja: Raw Materials Research and Development Council; 1996

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12248584
31. Artists materials

LC Classification (LCC)
Social Sciences--Industries. Land use. Labor--Special industries and trades--Manufacturing industries--Graphic arts equipment--Artists materials
32. Chambre Syndicale de la Construction, de la Réparation et des Industries Annexes du Matérial Roulant de Chemin. Assemblée Générale Ordinaire. Rapport du conseil d'administration

33. International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Mineral Resources (1994 : George Town, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia) International Conference on Recent Advances in Materials and Mineral Resources (RAMM '94), 3-5 May 1994, Penang, Malaysia

34. Engineering Foundation Research Conference on National Materials Policy (6th : 1980 : Henniker, N.H.) Innovation in the basic materials industries Washington: U.S. G.P.O.; 1981

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3748123
35. Materials Science & Technology Conference (2008 : Pittsburgh, Pa.) Environmental issues and waste management technologies in the materials and nuclear industries XII Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley; c2009

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16870089
36. Symposium on Environmental Issues with Materials and Processes in the Electronics and Semiconductor Industries (3rd : 2000 : Toronto, Ontario) Environmental issues in the electronics and semiconductor industries Pennington, NJ: Electrochemical Society; c2000

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12143555
37. United Nations. Economic Commission for Africa. Directory of project profiles on building materials and chemical industries for small-scale industries [Addis Ababa, Ethiopia?]: The Commission

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11467081
38. Krepski, Richard P. Thermal spray coating applications in the chemical process industries Houston, TX: Published for the Materials Technology Institute of the Chemical Process Industries, Inc. by NACE International; c1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4418428
39. Australia. Industries Assistance Commission. Mining and minerals processing plant and equipment, construction, earth moving, materials handling and agricultural equipment, railway rolling stock, pumps and compressors, and certain associated service industries Canberra: Australian Govt. Pub. Service; c1988

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4420369
40. International Conference on NDE in the Nuclear and Pressure Vessel Industries (11th : 1992 : Albuquerque, N.M.) 11th International Conference and Exhibits on NDE in the Nuclear and Pressure Vessel Industries Materials Park, Ohio: ASM International; c1992

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2980622

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