The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
61. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers Brussel: Rijksdienst voor Kinderbijslag voor werknemers; [1978?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1817382
62. A true and faithful narrative of the proceedings of the House of burgesses of North-Carolina, met in assembly for the said province at Newbern, Feburary [!] 5th, 1739, on the articles of complaint exhibited before them against the Honourable William Smith, esq; chief justice of the said province, for high crimes and misdemeanors done and committed by the said William Smith in the execution of his office. Published for the justification of the gentlemen members of that house, who voted the said articles sufficiently proved for the said chief justice to be charged therewith. Addressed to the freeholders of North-Carolina. [Williamsburg, Va]: [1740]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22411155
63. Kuhl, Dr For the benefit of the public, Dr. Kuhl respectfully informs the residents of the City of Washington, and the District in general, that in consequence of the encouragement he has met with, and the success of his remedies, since he came here, he has concluded to keep his office open until the end of the session of Congress, in 1836 ... Washington: 1836

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22319599
64. Harris & Ewing Admiral Leahy confers with Puerto Rican officials about new post as Governor. Washington, D.C., June 14. Admiral William D. Leahy, who is scheduled to be the next governor of Puerto Rico met today at his office with a group of Puerto Rican political leaders to discuss his new post. Left to right: Martinez Nadal, President of the Puerto Rican Senate, Santiago Iglesias, Resident Commissioner, Admiral Leahy, standing; Fernando Geigel, City Manager of San Juan, P.R., Alfonso Valdez, Puerto Rican Senator, Bolivar Pagan, Vice President of the Puerto Rican Senate, and Luis Obergh, counsel for Nadal [19]39 June 14

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255926
65. South Africa. Control and Audit Office. Verslag ten opsigte van die rekeninge van die Sagtevrugteraad en die Droëvrugteraad met die staat van rekeninge [Cape Town]: Printed by Cape Times; [n.d.]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8838312
66. The Kuban government put a comfortable villa on a leading street of Ekaterinodar at the disposal of the American Red Cross for living quarters and office. The maintanence of the personnel and their traveling expenses were met by the joint contribution of the Don, Terek, and Kuban governments, in compliment for the relief done in their territory. The persons in this group from left to right are: Captain Szymanski, Major Robert Davis, Captain Southworth, Mr. Ivanisky, Lieut. Robinson, Major Dexter Captain Grand, Captain Adams, Lieut. Boyle, Captain Floyd, Captain White, Lieut. Buckley, Captain Alkire 19 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19503536
67. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers

68. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers

69. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers

70. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers

71. Belgium. Office national d'allocations familiales pour travailleurs salariés. Documentatie met betrekking tot de gezinsbijslag voor werknemers

72. Harris & Ewing Select Star American Farmer. Washington, D.C., Oct. 7. A committee met in the Office of Education, Department Interior today to select the Star American Farmer of this year. Contestants for the honor are students of vocational agriculture in highschools throughout the United States. They are judged for thier demonstrated ability to farm by having conducted and outstanding program of supervised farming in connection with agricultural school work, their ability to work with others in agricultural enterprises, and scholastic achievement. First prize in $500 in cash awarded by the Kansas City Star. In the photograph, left to right: (Front Row) Dr. George F. Zook, President of the American Council on Education; Sherman E. Johnson, Chief, Division of Farm Management, Dept. of Agriculture; and S.G. McAllister, President of the International Harvester Corp. Back row, left to right: J.A. Linke, Chief of the Agricultural Education Service, Office of Education; Lester Poucher, President of the Future Farmers of America; and W.A. Ross, also of Agricultural Education Service. The winner of the award will not be announced until October 15 in Kansas City at the annual convention of the F.A.A., 10/7/38 [19]38 October 7

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20253980
73. Gruber, Edward First Chinese seamen granted shore leave in wartime America. Chinese seamen on United Nations' vessels may now obtain shore leave in American ports. Heretofore, because of the large number of desertions by Chinese crew members, alien seamen of Chinese nationality have been detained on board when their ships touched American ports. As a result of conferences between representatives of the Chinese Embassy, the Recruitment and Manning Organization of War Shipping Administration, and the Immigration and Naturalization Service of the Department of Justice, Chinese seamen may now be granted shore leave if guarantees are given that they will not desert. Chinese Counsul General Lee (left) greets a Chinese seaman of the crew of a British freighter in New York. Lee met the men on arrival and explained the rules under which, for the first time in warring America, they were permitted ashore during their ship's stay in port

74. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right, foreground: Molotov greeting Churchill at Moscow civil airport. Man in background is the interpreter

75. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Churchill making address over radio while Russian officials look on at Moscow civil airport. Left to right, foreground: Molotov, Churchill, Harriman

76. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right, foreground: Molotov and Churchill at Moscow civil airport

77. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Molotov, Churchill, and Harriman review Russian troops at Moscow civil airport. Note new type of jackets Russian soldiers are wearing

78. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right: Churchill, Stalin, Harriman at the Kremlin, Moscow

79. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meetings of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942, at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The meetings lasted four days. Commandant of the city of Moscow welcomes Churchill while Molotov and other Russian officials look on

80. Official pictures of meeting of Stalin, Churchill, Harriman. These are the first official pictures released in the United States of the recent meeting of Premier I.V. Stalin, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics; Prime Minister Winston Churchill of Britain; and W. Averrell Harriman, representing President Roosevelt. The three men met in the middle of August, 1942 at the request of the Soviet leader, and held a series of conversations concerned with the future conduct of the war. Also present was V.M. Molotov, Peoples' Commissar for Foreign Affairs, U.S.S.R. The meetings lasted four days. Left to right, seated: Churchill, Harriman, Stalin, and Molotov, at the Kremlin


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