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81. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 Madison, Wisconsin. Farm short course school at the University of Wisconsin. Beldon Peterson, nineteen years old, studying plows in a farm machinery class. Of his three brothers, one is in the army and the other two work in the family's eighty acre twelve cow farm in Webster, Wisconsin 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20022902
82. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Harvey G. Berthold, twenty years old, was placed on the Colby farm in Wisconsin after completing the farm short course at the University of Wisconsin and has been at his job two weeks at a salary of sixty-five dollars per month. He has two brothers and five sisters on the family's sixty nine acre farm in Ladysmith Brusk County, Wisconsin. They have cultivated fifty-one acres and own nine milk cows and five heifers. The family has been helped by FSA (Farm Security Administration) for several years] 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20022906
83. Delano, Jack, 1914-1997 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Harvey G. Berthold, twenty years old, was placed on the Colby farm in Wisconsin after completing the farm short course at the University of Wisconsin and has been at his job two weeks at a salary of sixty-five dollars per month. He has two brothers and five sisters on the family's sixty nine acre farm in Ladysmith Brusk County, Wisconsin. They have cultivated fifty-one acres and own nine milk cows and five heifers. The family has been helped by FSA (Farm Security Administration) for several years] 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20023041
84. Underwood & Underwood Old Smith homestead, Emma Smith's grave, and lot where martyred brothers were buried, Nauvoo, Ill New York; London; Toronto-Canada; Ottawa-Kansas: Underwood & Underwood, Publishers; 1904

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22867647
85. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Boys working in Scotland Mill, Laurinburg, N.C. Smallest boy--Junior Bounds--Beginning. Next, Rollin Hudson - 3 years in mill. Next, Lloyd Willoughby - 3 years in mill. Next, Preston Torrent - 8 years in mill. 6 years night work - 14 years old now. "Haven't been in school more'n 3 days in my whole life." Father blind. 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother work in mill now. Has doffed all 8 years. Gets about 60 cents a day. Asked him if he didn't get tired, "No, when you get used to it you don't get tired. Some of the boys goes to sleep when they begin." Showed a remarkable degree of refinement and consideration for others. Work has not blunted this. Sunday, Dec. 6/08. Witness, Sara R. Hine 1908 December 6

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20685525
86. Rosener, Ann Manpower. Americans all. His war job gives Michael Kassalo an extra good appetite. Operating a vertical turret lathe in a Midwest tank plant, Michael is one of many hundreds of first and second-generation Americans whose sole purpose during working hours is to get as many tanks as possible off the lines and ready for shipment to the fighting fronts. Michael's grandparents, with whom he lives, cling to the Slavic language and to many "old country" customs, but Michael and his brothers and sisters are as American as the Smiths and Joneses. Pressed Steel Can Company, Chicago, Illinois

87. Rosener, Ann Manpower. Americans all. His war job gives Michael Kassalo an extra good appetite. Operating a vertical turret lathe in a Midwest tank plant, Michael is one of many hundreds of first and second-generation Americans whose sole purpose during working hours is to get as many tanks as possible off the lines and ready for shipment to the fighting fronts. Michael's grandparents, with whom he lives, cling to the Slavic language and to many "old country" customs, but Michael and his brothers and sisters are as American as the Smiths and Joneses. Pressed Steel Can Company, Chicago, Illinois

88. Japanese-American volunteers. First pair of brothers among the AJA [Americans of Japanese ancestry] volunteers inducted into the U.S. Army in the territory were Chitsugi, twenty-three, and Minoru Manabe, twenty-eight, who took the oath of allegiance together among the first batch of fifty-eight Kauai registrants sworn in. Both were born at Anahola but lived in Kealia, Kauai with their elder sister Fumiyo Hashimoto who is shown bidding them goodbye. Both went to the Kapaa Grammar School and last worked for the Lihue Plantation Company. They volunteered separately without each other's knowledge immediately after formation of an AJA combat regiment was announced

89. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 These garters are made for Berger, 92 Spring St. 9:00 P.M., Feb. 27/12. Making garters (armlets). A Jewish family and neighbors working until late at night. This happens several nights in the week when there is plenty of work, the youngest children working until 9 P.M. and the rest until 11:00 or later. Family of Adolph Weiss, 422 E. 3rd St., N.Y., Seven-year-old Sarah, next is 11 yr. old sister. Next is 13 yr. old brother. On left is seven-year-old Mary and ten-year-old Sam, and next the mother is a 12 yr. old boy. The last three are neighbors children who come in regularly to work. "It's better than running the streets" the father said. He was a grocery clerk but has been out of work for some months and works at home on the garters

90. Kilburn Brothers Don't be frightened, old Jenny is true, Aspen, Col. U.S.A. Littleton, N.H.: Kilburn Brothers; c1890

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11697331
91. Wehman brothers, publishers, New York Wehman bros.' good old-time songs, no 2, containing a choice collection of 174 songs. New York: Wehman brothers; c1910

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6769537
92. Baldwin, John D. (John Denison), 1809-1883 Pre-historic nations, or, Inquiries concerning some of the great peoples and civilizations of antiquity, their probable relation to a still older civilization of the Ethiopians or Cushites of Arabia [microform] New York: Harper & Brothers; c1869

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1447335
93. Blair, Matilda Wee pieces for wee speakers (and some older children) New York: McLoughlin brothers; [c1905]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6330624
94. Naked ape [Philadelphia, Pa.]: Jesus' Older Brother; [2011]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 17663675
95. Harris & Ewing Boston furrier appears before Senate Naval Affairs Committee. Washington, D.C., May 17. Philip Krupp, a Boston furrier, today sought the Senate Naval Affairs Committee support for his drive to reinstate his 22 yr. old brother in the Naval Academy and remove from his name the "stigma of falsehood." He petitioned the committee to approve a bill directing the reinstatement of his brother, Fredrick Krupp, who, he contended, was "forced to resign" from the academy in January because of a thoughtless statement with attempt to decieve. Philip said his brother had been refused a position with the Martin Aircraft Co. and denied admission to the Mass. Institute of Technology because of an untrue statement attached to all of Fred's records from the academy that he was permitted to resign for the good of the navy, he is shown left; pleading the case before the acting chairman of the committee Sen. Guy Gillette. D. of IA

96. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Left, Frank Chebarro, admitted 13 years old; been making bands all summer in Glenallen Mill. Said, "I wouldn't go to school until they come after me." Also brother Edgar, 8 years old, who "helps" brother. "He picks up bobbins and things like that."

97. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 2:15 P.M. Some of the "crew" at ferry, Jersey City, N.J. On extreme left, Sam, 10 yrs. old - "I've got to support the family," he said. Small boy on right centre his broth[er], William 12 years old. Behind him another brother, 14 years old. This last has trachoma, and was excluded from school because of it. Sam had it recently. Mother wants these children to work because they bother her. Sam and William have been selling 2 and 5 years respectively

98. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Rosy Phillips. Fifteen year old spinner in a Dallas cotton mill. She was far from "rosy" - thin, anaemic. Prematurely old. Her brother Exie [?] twelve years old who helps her some on Saturdays. He said: "I can't get a steady job, but I can help her all I want to." I did not see any others very young

99. Herman, Brother Tala o le vavau Pago Pago, American Samoa: Association of the Marist Brothers' Old Boys; 1955

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3707042
100. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Accident to young mill worker. Giles Edmund Newsom (Photo October 23rd, 1912) while working in Sanders Spinning Mille [i.e., Mill], Bessemer City, N.C., August 21st, 1912, a piece of the machine fell on to his foot mashing his toe. This caused him to fall on to a spinning machine and his hand went into unprotected gearing, crushing and tearing out two fingers. He told the Attorney he was 11 years old when it happened. His parents are now trying to make him 13 years old. The school census taken at the time of the accident makes him12 years old (parents' statement) and school records say the same. His school teacher thinks he is 12. His brother (see photo 3071) is not yet 11 years old. Both of the boys worked in the mill several months before the accident. His father, (R.L. Newsom) tried to compromise with the Company when he found the boy would receive the money and not the parents. The mother tried to blame the boys for getting jobs on their own hook, but she let them work several months. The aunt said "Now he's jes got to where he could be of some help to his ma an' then this happens and he can't never work no more like he oughter."


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