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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
21. Great Britain. Parliament. An act for further continuing an act of the last session of Parliament, intituled London: 1767

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22104539
22. The funeral of faction [England]: March ye 26 1741 Act of Parliament. Printed for T. Cooper, at the Globe in Paternoster-Row, 1741. Publish'd according to Act of Parliament. (Price six-pence); 1741

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14340539
23. Reasons humbly offer'd for the relief of several merchants, importers of prize cocoa, against part of an act, past last sessions of Parliament [n.p.]: [n.d.]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21728952
24. Great Britain Parliament Hints Relative to the Bill Lately Introduced into Parliament, Intitled, 'an act for the better regulating of the forms of process in the courts of law in Scotland.'

25. Great Britain An act to amend an act made in the last session of Parliament, intituled, An act for extending like liberty in the exportation of rice from East and West Florida to the southward of Cape Finisterre in Europe, as is granted by former acts of Parliament to Carolina and Georgia London: Printed by Charles Eyre and William Strahan ...; 1771

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14701931
26. Malaysia Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Act 1980 (Act 237)

27. Great Britain Anno regni Georgii regis Magnæ Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ, quinto. At the Parliament begun and holden at Westminster, the seventeenth day of March, anno Dom. 1714. In the first year of the reign of Our Sovereign Lord George ... And from thence continued by several prorogations to the eleventh day of November, 1718. being the fourth session of this present Parliament. [An act for continuing an act made in the twelfth year of the reign of Her late Majesty Queen Anne, intituled, An act for encouraging the tobacco-trade] London: Printed by J. Baskett, Printer to the King's most Excellent Majesty, and by the assigns of T. Newcomb, and H. Hills, deceas'd; 1719

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8345408
28. South Africa. Parliament. House of assembly. Select committee on working of Miners' phthisis act, 1920 Report of the Select committee on working of Miners' phthisis act

29. South Africa. Parliament. House of assambly. Select committee on Miners' phthisis act, 1925. Report of the Select committee on the administration and working of the Miners' phthisis act, 1925

30. Great Britain. Parliament. An act for further continuing an act of the last session of Parliament, intituled

31. Great Britain. Parliament. An act to restrain the trade and commerce of the provinces of Massachuset's [sic] Bay and New Hampshire

32. Eversley, G. Shaw-Lefevre (George Shaw-Lefevre), Baron, 1832-1928 Peel and O'Connell; a review of the Irish policy of Parliament from the act of union to the death of Sir Robert Peel Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press; [1970]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3602981
33. Chandler, Samuel, 1693-1766 A letter to the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, occasioned by His Lordship's nomination of five persons disqualified by act of Parliament as fit and proper persons to serve the office of sheriffs London: Sold by J. Roberts ... J. Noon ... and J. Gray; 1738

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4447731
34. The African companies considerations on the late act of Parliament for settling the trade to Africa answer'd paragraph by paragraph [1710?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22046496
35. Mortimer, Margaret, Mrs Proposals tender'd for an addition to the late Act of Parliament for collecting charity on briefs by letters patents London: 1707

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5902586
36. Born Free Foundation It's time Parliament changed its act Horsham, West Sussex: Born Free Foundation, RSPCA; c2006

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14373745
37. Stow, John A recital of Stow's collection concerning the rise, profitableness, and continuance of the Court of requests, or Court of conscience in the City of London : together with the Act of Parliament of 3 Jacobi Regis, for establishing and confirmation of the same ... [London]: [1640?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22039716
38. The tenth-report. Or--the ghost of an act of Parliament appearing to the forlorn Johnny M'Cree [England]: Pubd. April 11th, 1805 by S. W. Fores, 50 Piccadilly; 1805

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14420875
39. Claridge, Richard, 1649-1723 Reasons humbly offer'd to the legislature, by the people called Quakers, against the bill now depending in Parliament, intituled, An act to prevent the growth of schism, &c [S.l.]: [s.n.]; [1714?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 963131
40. Reasons humbly offer'd to the consideration of both houses of Parliament; for an act for the discharge of insolvent debtors [n.p.]: [n.d.]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21742562

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