The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
21. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will? or, How to develope [sic] and strengthen will-power, memory, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, by the easy process of self-hypnotism

22. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will? or, How to develope [sic] will-power, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, and render it habitual by the easy process of self-hypnotism

23. Documentary process. Processus documentalis

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--History of canon law--Judiciary. Ecclesiastical courts and procedure. De processibus--Special procedures. De quibusdam processibus specialibus--Matrimonial actions. De processibus matrimonialibus--Nullity of marriage (Summary procedures). Annullatio matrimonii--Documentary process. Processus do...
24. Workshop on Radiation-Induced and/or Process-Related Electrically Active Defects in Semiconductor-Insulator Systems (2nd : 1989 : Microelectronics Center of North Carolina) Proceedings from the Second Workshop on Radiation-Induced and/or Process-Related Electrically Active Defects in Semiconductor Systems Research Triangle Park, NC: MCNC; c1989

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1039393
25. Basic open hearth process

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Mining engineering. Metallurgy--Metallurgy--Metallurgy of ferrous metals--Iron and steel--Steel--Special processes--Open hearth or Siemens process--Basic open hearth process ; Basic open hearth process--Steel metallurgy
26. Acid open hearth process

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Mining engineering. Metallurgy--Metallurgy--Metallurgy of ferrous metals--Iron and steel--Steel--Special processes--Open hearth or Siemens process--Acid open hearth process ; Acid open hearth process--Steel metallurgy
27. Rosener, Ann Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front -- and there's one in every American kitchen -- saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers of the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds: these are some of the fats which would be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids and poured into wide-mouth cans (such as coffee or fat cans)

28. Boote, Richard, -1782 An historical treatise of an action or suit at law, and of the proceedings used in the King's Bench and Common Pleas from the original processes to the judgment in both courts Dublin: Printed for H. Watts; MDCCXCI [1791]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6342760
29. Boote, Richard, -1782 An historical treatise of an action or suit at law and of the proceedings used in the King's Bench and Common Pleas, from the original processes to the judgments in both courts London: Printed by His Majesty's law-printers for W. Johnston and G. Kearsly ..., W. Owen ..., W. Griffin ..., and W. Flexney; 1766

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5968511
30. Harris & Ewing New process expected to revolutionize map making. Washington, D.C., March 21. A new machine just designed and perfected by John Braund, Cartographer for the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey, by which relief maps can be made showing all the details of topography in a form true to nature, is expected to revolutionize map making. Instead of compressed paper or cardboard, Braund uses a thin metal on which he prints the map, and, then hammers out the topography with a specially-designed electric hammer. Maps made by this process can be quickly understood and accurately read by even the untrained map reader. Braund said the new machine would be of untold value to armies in field in war time. 3-21-39 1939 March 21

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20255350
31. Brainard, Charles Rollin Officers' fees for service of writs and all civil processes issued by the courts or required by any legal procedure Boston: The author; 1883

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 6838034
32. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will? or, How to develope [sic] and strengthen will-power, memory, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, by the easy process of self-hypnotism London: P. Wellby; 1902

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4584677
33. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will? or, How to develope [sic] will-power, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, and render it habitual by the easy process of self-hypnotism London: G. Redway; 1899

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4111703
34. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will? or, How to develop and strengthen will-power, memory, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, by the easy process of self-hypnotism London: Philip Wellby; 1902

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14030455
35. Leland, Charles Godfrey, 1824-1903 Have you a strong will?, or, How to develop and strengthen will-power, memory, or any other faculty or attribute of the mind, by the easy process of self-hynotism London: William Rider & Son; [1907]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16490317
36. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- A graffiti-covered (or tagged or, depending upon one's point of view, defaced) old building beside an industrial canal in Holyoke, a once-thriving central-Massachusetts community known as Paper City for its many mills and factories that made paper and the equipment that processes it 2019-05-19

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21328530
37. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- A graffiti-covered (or tagged or, depending upon one's point of view, defaced) old building beside an industrial canal in Holyoke, a once-thriving central-Massachusetts community known as Paper City for its many mills and factories that made paper and the equipment that processes it 2019-05-19

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21328528
38. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- A graffiti-covered (or tagged or, depending upon one's point of view, defaced) old building beside an industrial canal in Holyoke, a once-thriving central-Massachusetts community known as Paper City for its many mills and factories that made paper and the equipment that processes it 2019-05-19

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21328531
39. Rosener, Ann Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front -- and there's one in every American kitchen -- saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers of the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds: these are some of the fats which would be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids and poured into wide-mouth cans (such as coffee or fat cans) 1942 June

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19637738
40. Rosener, Ann Why greases must be saved. A soldier of the home front--and there's one in every American kitchen--saves all waste fats and greases so that they can be processed into ammunition for America's soldiers on the battlefronts. Pan and broiler drippings, deep fats, renderings from bacon rinds, these are some of the fats which should be put through a strainer to remove meat scraps and other solids, and poured into wide-mouthed cans such as coffee or fat cans


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