The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
81. Workshop on Control of Renin Secretion (2nd : 1971 : Santa Ynez, Calif.) Control of renin secretion

82. Fuwa, Tetsuzō "Atarashii shikō" wa Rēnin-teki ka 「新しい思考」 はレーニン的か Tōkyō: Shin Nihon Shuppansha; 1989

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5126561
83. Minoda, Muneki, 1894-1946 Doku-Ro no shisō bunka to Marukusu, Renin shugi 獨露の思想文化とマルクス・レニン主義 Tōkyō: Genri Nihonsha; Shōwa 4 [1929]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5294973
84. Marukusu Rēnin shugi no koten nyūmon 1970

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9987857
85. Deborin, A. M. (Abram Moiseevich), 1881-1963 Renin no benshōhōteki yuibutsuron レニンの辯證法的唯物論 東京: 日本勞働學院, 大正 14 [1925]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12025413
86. DeMello, Walmor C. Renin angiotensin system and cardiovascular disease New York, N.Y.: Humana Press; c2009

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15839909
87. Miura, Tsutomu, 1911-1989 Rēnin hihan no jidai レーニン批判の時代 Tōkyō: Keisō Shobō; 1983

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5017160
88. Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924 Rēnin no kotoba 44(1969)

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9914524
89. Horký, Karel, 1933- Systém renin--angiotensin a jeho význam pro klinickou praxi Praha: Avicenum; 1974

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 811219
90. Hayduk, Karl Plasmatisches und extraplasmatisches Renin Stuttgart: Thieme; 1975

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 825302
91. Stalin, Joseph, 1878-1953 Rēnin shugi to wa nanzo ya レ-ニン主義とは何ぞや 東京: 共生閣, 昭和 7 [1932]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11915025
92. Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924 Rēnin keizaigaku kyōtei レ-ニン經濟學教程 東京: 共生閣, 昭和 7 [1932]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12113295
93. Lee, Michael Radcliffe Renin and hypertension Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins; 1969

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 2196308
94. Fukuda, Yutaka, 1923- Rēnin to gendai teikoku shugi 48(1973)

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 8081469
95. Kim, Hong-nyŏl Chungsim kori e kwanhan Maksŭ-Renin-juŭi 1961

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 9863289
96. Maksimov, A. A. (Aleksandr Aleksandrovich), 1891-1976 Renin to shizen kagaku レニンと自然科學 Tōkyō: Naukasha; Shōwa 10 [1935]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12273172
97. Leung, Po Sing The renin-angiotensin system Dordrecht; New York: Springer; c2010

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16343766
98. Inako, Tsuneo, 1927- Rēnin no kokka, hō no riron Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha; 1971

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7118162
99. Lenin, Vladimir Ilʹich, 1870-1924 Rēnin cho "Shihon shugi no saikō dankai to shite no teikoku shugi" ni taisuru shinshiryō レーニン著 「資本主義の最高段階としての帝國主義」 に對する新資料 [Dairen]: Mantetsu Chōsabu; [1933?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 5296020
100. Nakano, Tetsuzō, 1930- Kakumeika Rēnin 45 [1970]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 7116837

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