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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
141. Synthetic rubber. Elastomers

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Manufactures--Rubber industry--Synthetic rubber. Elastomers ; Synthetic rubber--Manufactures ; Elastomers--Manufactures
142. Ethylene-propylene rubber

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Manufactures--Rubber industry--Special, A-Z--Ethylene-propylene rubber ; Ethylene-propylene rubber--Manufactures
143. Other articles of rubber

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Manufactures--Rubber industry--Other articles of rubber ; Hand stamps--Manufactures ; Rubber bands--Manufactures ; Tubes--Manufactures
144. Cyclized rubber

LC Classification (LCC)
Technology--Manufactures--Rubber industry--Special, A-Z--Cyclized rubber ; Cyclized rubber--Manufactures
145. London Rubber Secretariat Rubber stat. bull. London: London Rubber Secretariat; 1946-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11144795
146. NRPRA Rubber-in-Engineering Conference, Imperial College of Science and Technology, 1973 Rubber in engineering, 1973

147. International rubber conference. 6th, Brussels, 1924. The Rubber conference, Brussels, 1924

148. Rubber

LC Subject Headings (LCSH)
Caoutchouc ; Ebonite ; Gum elastic ; India rubber ; Vulcanite
149. This is the beginning of the many operations which finally result in rubber tires for the tanks and planes of the armies of the world democracy. This native is tapping a rubber tree and drawing off latex on a rubber plantation in the Netherlands East Indies, which, with British Malaya, supplies more than 90 percent of our raw rubber imports between 1940 and 1945

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19650099
150. Palmer, Alfred T. Rubber reclamation. Producing reclaimed rubber. One of the machines used in converting scrap rubber into reclaim stock in a large Midwest plant which utilizes old tires in making sheet rubber. Firestone 1941 Dec. or 1942 Dec.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636704
151. Palmer, Alfred T. Make your scrap tires save lives. Slacker. The approximately ten pounds of rubber in this old tire should be helping the war effort. If the casing is still usable it should be on a car in active service. If it cannot be reconditioned it should be turned in at a local salvage center for forwarding to a rubber reclamation plant. The rubber in this tire is about equal in weight to the rubber used in making a three-men aviation life raft 1942?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19640025
152. Palmer, Alfred T. Rubber reclamation. Discarded rubber awaiting reclamation. Huge piles of salvaged material feed a big Midwest rubber plant, one of many working on our most important reclamation jobs. In the making of many essential products, reclamation stock is preferred to pure new rubber. Firestone 1941 Dec. or 1942 Dec.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636674
153. [Trademark registration by Lambertville Rubber Company for Snag brand Rubber Boots, Shoes, Coats, and Other Clothing of Rubber or Rubber Compounds] 1894 Nov. 13.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23285625
154. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Salinas, California. Intercontinental Rubber Producers. Two-year-old guayule plants. At two years, the guayule contains about nine percent rubber of dry weight. To supply the emergency needs for rubber, these shrubs would have to be planted closer together if a two year harvest cycle were planned. Rubber yield per acre would then closely approximate the yield from mature shrubs 1941 Dec

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19948796
155. [Trademark registration by Day Rubber Company for Swan Brand Rubber Boots and Shoes and All Kinds Of Rubber and Oil Clothing, Also Rubber Hose and Tubing] 1889 Aug. 20.

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21705991
156. Palmer, Alfred T. Tire recapping. Recapping a worn passenger car tire. Reclaimed camelback rubber is applied after the old tread surface of the tire has been ground down evenly and coated with rubber adhesive. The plan to recap passenger tires with reclaimed rubber camelback, approved by rubber director William M. Jeffers, was put into effect in February 1943 to reduce the demand for replacement tires and still keep civilian cars in service 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19642105
157. International Rubber Conference (1975 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia) Proceedings, International Rubber Conference, 1975, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Kuala Lumpur: Rubber Research Institute of Malaysia; 1976-1978

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1813396
158. Rosener, Ann Testing reclaimed rubber heels. When these are on the ground, they carry Patrolman Ralph Shoemaker a good four or five miles each day. Because of the amount of territory he covers, Patrolman Shoemaker is one of the seventy District policemen who are testing various brands and grades of reclaimed rubber heels at the request of the Office of Price Administraion. On the basis of laboratory tests and reports turned in by these testers, OPA will make reclaimed rubber specification recommendations to rubber manufacturers 1942 May

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19636753
159. Palmer, Alfred T. Tire recapping. A recap job on a passenger car tire. The tire with a tread strip of reclaimed camelback rubber is put into a curing mold. The old tread surface had previously been ground down evenly and coated with rubber adhesive. The plan to recap passenger tires with reclaimed rubber camelback, approved by rubber director William M. Jeffers, was put into effect in February 1943 to reduce the demand for replacement tires and still keep civilian cars in service 1943 Feb

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19642107
160. International Rubber Study Group The Future of natural rubber in Africa London: Secretariat of the International Rubber Study Group; [1986]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3375392

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