The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
61. National Conference on SDGs Implementation Review (1st : 2018 : Dhaka, Bangladesh) Synthesis Report on First National Conference on SDGs Implementation Review Dhaka: General Economics Division (GED), Bangladesh Planning Commission, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh; November 2018

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20859699
62. Kwŏn, Yul SDGs toip ihu kaedoguk hyŏmnyŏk chŏllyak kwa taeŭng kwaje SDGs 도입 이후 개도국 협력 전략 과 대응 과제 Sejong T'ŭkpyŏl Chach'isi: Taeoe Kyŏngje Chŏngch'aek Yŏn'guwŏn; 2016

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19694985
63. Yi, U-sŏng, 1970- SDGs e taeŭng hanŭn kwahak kisul oegyo chŏllyak SDGs 에 대응 하는 과학 기술 외교 전략 Sejong T'ŭkpyŏl Chach'isi: Kwahak Kisul Chŏngch'aek Yŏn'guwŏn; 2016

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20182194
64. Hironaka, Wakako SDGs no genten "Chikyū kenshō" o kangaeru SDGs の原点「地球憲章」を考える Tōkyō: Kabushiki Kaisha Sanseidō Shoten/Sōeisha; 2022

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23317449
65. United Nations Development Programme (Pakistan). Development Policy Unit Capacity need assessment [CNA] of Bureau of Statistics (BoS), Balochistan & statistical cells in the line departments for implementation of 2030 agenda (SDGs) in Balochistan Quetta: Balochistan SDGs Support Unit; [2022]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23478386
66. Yamada, Yōzō, 1957- SDGs jidai no shinrin kanri no rinen to gijutsu SDGs時代の森林管理の理念と技術 Kyōto-shi: Shōwadō; 2020

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22120594
67. Iwamoto, Yutaka, 1970- SDGs jidai no manabizukuri SDGs 時代の学びづくり Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Akashi Shoten; 2021

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22661161
68. Itsubo, Norihiro SDGs jidai no kankyō hyōka SDGs 時代の環境評価 Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Maruzen Shuppan; Reiwa 6 [2024]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23772398
69. Andō, Ken SDGs to posutokorona no keizai, keiei SDGsとポストコロナの経済・経営 Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Sanwa Shoseki; 2022

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23789714
70. Govinda, R. India's social sector and SDGs Milton Park, Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group; 2020

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20953045
71. McIntyre, John R. The role of multinational enterprises in supporting the United Nations' SDGs Cheltenham, UK; Northampton, MA, USA: Edward Elgar Publishing; [2022]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22525599
72. Mazlin b. Mokhtar Rising to the challenge Malaysia's contribution to the SDGs Bangi: Penerbit Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia; 2017

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20234286
73. Vizvizi, Anna Smart cities and the un's sdgs Walthum: Elsevier; 2021

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22034942
74. Ebong, Ime Ekop Towards implementing the UN's 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in Sub-Saharan African countries Lagos, Nigeria: IEA Publishing; [2019]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23299304
75. Zimbabwe Zimbabwe's Strategy for the Implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) within the context of the Zimbabwe Agenda for Sustainable Socio Economic Transformation (Zim ASSET) [Harare]: Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe; September 2015

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20983339
76. Govinda, R. India's social sector and SDGs Abingdon, Oxon; New York, NY: Routledge; 2020

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20950195
77. Seminar Nasional Strategi Penanggulangan Pangan, Gizi, dan Stunting Dalam Mendukung Pencapaian SDGs (2018 : Mataram, Indonesia) Prosiding Seminar Nasional Strategi Penanggulangan Pangan, Gizi, dan Stunting Dalam Mendukung Pencapaian SDGs

78. International Conference on Data Science and SDGs: Challenges, Opportunities and Realities (7th : 2019 : Rājshāhi, Bangladesh) International Conference on Data Science and SDGs

79. Nichibenren ESG gaidansu no kaisetsu to SDGs jidai no jitsumu taiō

80. Akademia ga idomu SDGs


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