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  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
1. The student's companion to social policy

2. Harris & Ewing Frank Littell, of Mt. Vernon, IA, student at Union Theological Seminary, New York, today attacked President Roosevelt's request for increased military expenditures as "anti-social action" and said the young men he represented "will not bear arms" in event of war. "I do not believe in defending my country," he qualified. Littell, who described himself as "social chairman of the National Council of Methodist Youth," testified before the House Naval Affairs Committee in opposition to President Roosevelt's $800,000,000 Naval authorization plan. He attacked the administration for having an "ambiguous and undeclared foreign policy," 2/14/38 [19]38 February 14

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20252865
3. Women's work, the family & social policy

4. Hartmann, Heidi I. Strengthening social security for women Washington, DC: Task Force on Women and Social Security, National Council of Women's Organizations in collaboration with the Institute for Women's Policy Research; c2000

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12574346
5. New Zealand. Social Policy Agency. Social Policy Agency [Wellington]: Dept. of Social Welfare, Social Policy Agency; [1996]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12232170
6. Asiimwe, Delius Study of the integration of family planning and VCT/PMTCT/ART programs in Uganda [Kampala]: POLICY, Future Group in collaboration with Research Triangle Institute, the Centre for Development and Population Activities; [2005]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14972051
7. International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century (2002 : Vienna, Austria) International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century Paris: International Social Science Council (ISSC); c2003

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13881274
8. Social policy

LC Classification (LCC)
Law--Law of the Roman Catholic Church. The Holy See--Church property. Church economics and finance--Temporal goods of the Church. De bonis ecclesiasticis temporalibus--Administration and administrators of property. De administratione bonorum--Duties and obligations of administrators--Special topics,...
9. International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century (2002 : Vienna, Austria) International Conference on Social Science and Social Policy in the 21st Century

10. Technical Working Group. Jamaica Social Policy Evaluation. Annual progress report on national social policy goals ... [Jamaica?]: Jamaica Social Policy Evaluation (JASPEV); [2003-]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14701764
11. Alcock, Peter, 1951- The student's companion to social policy Malden, MA; Oxford: Blackwell Pub; 2008

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 15093566
12. Alcock, Peter, 1951- The student's companion to social policy Malden, MA: Blackwell; c2003

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12875525
13. Harris & Ewing Frank Littell, of Mt. Vernon, IA, student at Union Theological Seminary, New York, today attacked President Roosevelt's request for increased military expenditures as "anti-social action" and said the young men he represented "will not bear arms" in event of war. "I do not believe in defending my country," he qualified. Littell, who described himself as "social chairman of the National Council of Methodist Youth," testified before the House Naval Affairs Committee in opposition to President Roosevelt's $800,000,000 Naval authorization plan. He attacked the administration for having an "ambiguous and undeclared foreign policy," 2/14/38

14. Mooney, Gerry, 1960- Exploring social policy in the 'new' Scotland Bristol: Policy Press; c2005

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14183321
15. International Forum on Inter- and Intraregional Cooperation to Promote Effective Social Development Policy and Practice: a Forum for the Exchange of Asia-Africa Experience (2001 : Nairobi, Kenya) International Forum on Inter- and Intraregional Cooperation to Promote Effective Social Development Policy and Practice

16. University of Ghana. Centre for Social Policy Studies. Social policy Legon, Ghana: Centre for Social Policy Studies, University of Ghana; [2000]-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12851070
17. Noble, Michael (Emeritus professor of social policy) The provincial indices of multiple deprivation for South Africa 2001 [Oxford]: [Centre for the Analysis of South African Social Policy, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford]; [c2006]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14736358
18. Noble, Michael (Emeritus professor of social policy) The provincial indices of multiple deprivation for South Africa 2001 [Oxford]: [Centre for the Analysis of South African Social Policy, Department of Social Policy and Social Work, University of Oxford]; [2006]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 14669268
19. International Forum on Inter- and Intraregional Cooperation to Promote Effective Social Development Policy and Practice: a Forum for the Exchange of Asia-Africa Experience (2001 : Nairobi, Kenya) International Forum on Inter- and Intraregional Cooperation to Promote Effective Social Development Policy and Practice Nairobi, Kenya: UNCRD, Africa Office

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 12827183
20. Social Policy Forum (3rd : 2001 : Wellington, N.Z.) Proceedings of Social Policy Forum 2001 Palmerston North, N.Z.: Centre for Public Policy Evaluation, Massey University; 2001

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13768965

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