The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
21. Haarman, Louann Talk about shows Bologna: CLUEB; c1999

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11986994
22. Winzenburg, Stephen Watching TV talk shows Des Moines: Media Memories Pub; c2003

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13402168
23. Torre, Mónica de la Talk shows Chicago: Switchback Books; c2006

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18377689
24. Talk shows [1995-02]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18438333
25. Brewer, Annie M. Talk shows and hosts on radio Dearborn, Mich: Whitefoord Press; c1992

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4878906
26. Vice-Presidential Possibilities-III. Too busy to talk politics [shows Elihu Root holding back two large, ferocious looking dogs at the War Department-"dog of war" theme] [1900 March 31]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22852765
27. Liberman, Howard "You Can't Do Business With Hitler." Rehearsing for the radio show "You Can't Do Business With Hitler" are Colonel Charles Ferris, Doris McWhirt, and Virginia Moore at the microphone. In the control room with script and talk-back microphone in hand is Frank Telford, whod directs each production of the series. The programs are written and produced by the radio section of the Office of War Information (OWI)

28. The Steve Harvey show. Let's talk about sax

29. Jenkins, R. Michael [Members of the House Women's Caucus on their way to talk to with Senators about the Clarence Thomas nomination, showing Representatives Jolene Unsoeld, Nita Lowey, Barbara Boxer, Patsy Mink, Patricia Schroeder, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Louise Slaughter outside of the U.S. Capitol Building]

30. Jenkins, R. Michael [Members of the House Women's Caucus on their way to talk to with Senators about the Clarence Thomas nomination, showing Representatives Jolene Unsoeld, Nita Lowey, Barbara Boxer, Patsy Mink, Patricia Schroeder, Eleanor Holmes Norton, and Louise Slaughter outside of the U.S. Capitol Building] [1991-10-08]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 21274666
31. My talk show 1990

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11713893
32. Liberman, Howard "You Can't Do Business With Hitler." Rehearsing for the radio show "You Can't Do Business With Hitler" are Colonel Charles Ferris, Doris McWhirt, and Virginia Moore at the microphone. In the control room with script and talk-back microphone in hand is Frank Telford, whod directs each production of the series. The programs are written and produced by the radio section of the Office of War Information (OWI) 1942?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19643406
33. Harris & Ewing Big talk on little houses. These high officials of the New Deal's housing family photographed as they concluded a conference with President Roosevelt. From the left: Stewart McDonald, head of the [FHA?]; Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Morris L. Coske, head of Rural Electrification, and Peter Grimm, housing expert working in the Treasury Department. Grimm and his associates from New York are concluding a report on housing conditions east of the Mississippi which is expected to show only from 2 to 4 percent vacancies. His report to the President is expected to have a bearing on the future policy of both Federal Housing, Works Progress Administration, the Rural Electrification program and Rural Resettlement, 10/29/35 1935 October 29

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20262505
34. Harris & Ewing Big business men talk with Roosevelt. Washington, D.C., Jan. 11. Five of the nation's outstanding business men conferred today with the president at the White House, they are shown just before entering the White House, they are, left to right: Colby Chester, Chairman of the Board of the National Manufacturers Assoc.; Ernest P. Weir, President of the National Steel Corp.; Lewis Brown, President of the Johns-Manville Co.; Alfred P. Sloan, Chairman of the Board of General Motors; and M.W. Clement, Pres. of the Pennsylvania R.R., 1/11/38 [19]38 January 11

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249354
35. Harris & Ewing Big talk on little houses. These high officials of the New Deal's housing family photographed as they concluded a conference with President Roosevelt. From the left: Stewart McDonald, head of the [FHA?]; Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr., Morris L. Coske, head of Rural Electrification, and Peter Grimm, housing expert working in the Treasury Department. Grimm and his associates from New York are concluding a report on housing conditions east of the Mississippi which is expected to show only from 2 to 4 percent vacancies. His report to the President is expected to have a bearing on the future policy of both Federal Housing, Works Progress Administration, the Rural Electrification program and Rural Resettlement, 10/29/35

36. Harris & Ewing Big business men talk with Roosevelt. Washington, D.C., Jan. 11. Five of the nation's outstanding business men conferred today with the president at the White House, they are shown just before entering the White House, they are, left to right: Colby Chester, Chairman of the Board of the National Manufacturers Assoc.; Ernest P. Weir, President of the National Steel Corp.; Lewis Brown, President of the Johns-Manville Co.; Alfred P. Sloan, Chairman of the Board of General Motors; and M.W. Clement, Pres. of the Pennsylvania R.R., 1/11/38

37. Radio talk shows

Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM)
Radio talk shows
38. Television talk shows

Thesaurus for Graphic Materials (TGM)
Television talk shows
39. Gamson, Joshua, 1962- Freaks talk back Chicago: University of Chicago Press; c1998

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3072727
40. Scott, Gini Graham Can we talk? New York: Insight Books; c1996

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 4471478

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