The Library of Congress > Linked Data Service
  Label Dataset Type Subdivision Identifier
61. Ormond, Carol The people : the missing piece of John Wesley Powell's expeditions West Jordan, Utah: Git'er Done Books; [2019]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20741446
62. United States. Congress. House. Committee on Public Works and Transportation. Subcommittee on Investigations and Oversight. Review of GSA's lease management at Waterside Mall (the case of the missing cafeteria) Washington: U.S. G.P.O.; 1984

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 966654
63. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Help Find the Missing Act, or Billy's Law Washington: U.S. G.P.O. For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O.; 2010

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 16720503
64. Harris & Ewing Ladies of the White House secretariat. Washington, D.C., Feb. 19. Headed by Miss Margaret "Missy" Lehand, personal secretary to President Roosevelt, these girl secretaries play an important part behind the scenes at the White House. They hail from five states and include brunettes, redheads, and blondes, with scatterings of iron-gray. In the front row, seated, left to right: Miss Roberta Barrows, Secretary to Marvin H. McIntyre; Miss Grace Tully, to whom President Roosevelt dictates his speeches, State papers, etc.; Miss Marguerite Lehand; Miss Margaret Durand, Secretary to James Roosevelt; Miss Mary Eben, who cares for and catalogs the President's personal books and the White House Library. Back row, left to right: Paula Larabee takes care of the President's personal files and looks up things; Toinette Bachelder, Assistant Secretary to Marvin McIntyre; Mabel Williams, Secretary to Bill Hassett, Steve Early's Assistant; Katherine Gilligan, Assistant in James Roosevelt's office; Prudence Shannon, Secretary to Stephen T. Early; Lucile Lewis handles much of the White House mail, routes it to Government Departments and Agencies for answer when necessary; Louise Hackmeister was brought from Albany to operate the White House switchboard, the first woman to ever man this important line of communication; and Lela Stiles, who assists Miss Lewis in handling the White House mail, 2/19/38

65. Miss Helen Scott Hay, Director of the Bureau of Nursing Instruction to lay women. Miss Hay is organizing courses in home care of the sock and home dietetics, to be given throughout the country, if women everywhere would master the elements of caring for sick members of their own families a tremendous strain on the nursing profession would be relieved, and thousands of expert nurses would be free to attend the wounded on the western front. Miss Hay was the matron of the ARC Hospital at Kiev, Russia, in 1914-1915 and at the special request of Queen Eleonora of Bulgaria, founded the first nurses' training school in Sofia. Awarded the Florence Nightingale Medal by the International Committee of the Red Cross at Geneva

66. Harris & Ewing Correct way to bake turkey demonstrated by Uncle Sam's expert cooks. Washington, D.C., Dec. 4. Note to housewives: your turkey- baking troubles will be over and the bird you serve for dinner this yuletide will be tender, juicy and flavorsome if you follow the method used by the expert cooks at the Bureau of Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Continual testing and experimenting with various recipes has taught Uncle Sam's cooks that many a prize bird has become a "ham" when improperly prepared. The best recipe - so far discovered by the Bureau of Economics - is demonstrated in the following set of pictures, made under the supervision of Miss Lucy Alexander, Chief Cooking Specialist. Miss Alexander, a graduate of Vassar and the University of Illinois, has been on her present job for eleven years. Mrs. Jessie Lamb, Assistant Cook, is stuffing the turkey under the watchful eye of Miss Lucy Alexander. The turkeys on the table will go into the ovens at regular intervals, and be tasted and judged by a group of experts who are determining which diet and feeding program will produce the best flavored meat

67. Binnamin, Vivian The case of the anteater's missing lunch Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Silver Press; c1990

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1980936
68. Smith, Andrew J., active 1898 A hay-seed locomotive engineer's homeopathic, the missing link and crisis, the torch bearer ... [Baltimore, MD]: [s.n.]; 1898

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 10062512
69. Pancyprian Committee of Parents and Relatives of Undeclared P.O.W.s and Missing Persons The case of the missing Cypriots Nicosia, Cyprus: Pancyprian Committee of Parents and Relatives of Undeclared P.O.Ws and Missing Persons; 1977

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1779185
70. Harris & Ewing Correct way to bake turkey demonstrated by Uncle Sam's expert cooks. Washington, D.C., Dec. 4. Note to housewives: your turkey- baking troubles will be over and the bird you serve for dinner this yuletide will be tender, juicy and flavorsome if you follow the method used by the expert cooks at the Bureau of Economics, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Continual testing and experimenting with various recipes has taught Uncle Sam's cooks that many a prize bird has become a "ham" when improperly prepared. The best recipe - so far discovered by the Bureau of Economics - is demonstrated in the following set of pictures, made under the supervision of Miss Lucy Alexander, Chief Cooking Specialist. Miss Alexander, a graduate of Vassar and the University of Illinois, has been on her present job for eleven years. Mrs. Jessie Lamb, Assistant Cook, is stuffing the turkey under the watchful eye of Miss Lucy Alexander. The turkeys on the table will go into the ovens at regular intervals, and be tasted and judged by a group of experts who are determining which diet and feeding program will produce the best flavored meat [19]37 December 4

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20249181
71. America's petroleum industries pour out fuel and lubricants for the United Nations. A geologist, employed by one of the important U.S. oil companies, surveys, with the help of his "rod man" standing on the ridge in the background, a section of land to detect the presence of a possible oil deposit under the ground. "Hit or miss" methods of drilling for oil were discarded long ago in the United States. Today careful preliminary surveys and test borings precede the sinking of most oil wells. Geology experts of the important oil companies are able as a rule to read the surface of the ground accurately for the detection of oil deposits. The industry's efficient methods of finding oil have resulted in the enormous amounts of oil produced. According to a U.S. oil company official, the predictable U.S. oil total for the year 1944 will be 1,601,250,000 barrels, a great part of which will supply the armed forces of the United Nations 1944?

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20084509
72. United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime, Terrorism, and Homeland Security. Help Find the Missing Act, or Billy's Law Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office; 2010

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 23586092
73. Eisner, Will I'm tired of taking the rap for missing a German or Jap - that Dope dents the fins and the blinking bomb spins and swoops all over the map!

74. Harris & Ewing White House aspirants join political rally at National Press Club. Washington, D.C., March 1. Ten potential presidential candidates were expected to give a short but pithy speech on why he should not be elected. In preparation for this bit of satire for the evening, the huge dining room of the press club was decorated with farcical caricatures. This picture shows a photographer doing his stuff--but do you notice he is missing the 'emergency exit? 3-1-40

75. Harris & Ewing America's lost link found. Washington, D.C., Oct. 14. Dr. Julian H. Steward, archeologist of the Smithsonian Institution, has just brought to Washington a skeleton of an infant which he discovered in a cave near Great Salt Lake, and which he believes will provide science with a missing link in the story of man in North America. While holding a section of the skeleton, Dr. Steward told reporters that the cave was first occupied soon after it became habitable 10,000 to 20,000 years ago

76. Dillon, Robert Sherwood, 1929- The President's report to Congress on the investigation of the whereabouts of the U.S. citizens who have been missing from Cyprus since 1974

77. Highsmith, Carol M., 1946- Something is missing from this "cigar store Indian" carving outside a clothing store in the fishing and lobstering port of Boothbay Harbor, Maine. The cigar. And there's a ready-made place for it 2017-10-07

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20371520
78. Richmond, Lois I. The missing gargoyle of the Ladies' Library [Kalamazoo, Michigan]: Fortitude Graphic Design & Printing, Season Press LLC; [2014]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18370289
79. Styles, Walker The case of the missing Tiger's Eye New York: Little Simon; 2016

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 18596793
80. Teitelbaum, Michael Walt Disney's Winnie the Pooh and the missing bullhorn New York: Golden Books

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 1982891

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