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141. Physical strength instead of motor trucks. In Constantinople the traveller is amazed by feats of strength which the native 'hamals' or porters display when carrying burdens of excessive weight. In most countries motor trucks or horses would draw these four and five hundred pound barrels of lard like that which these four men have on the long pole [?] from their shoulders. They are transporting the [?] to the American Red Cross warehouses to be used by the Russian refugees who are being fed and cared for on the island of Proti, not far from Constantinople in the sea of Armora

142. Cunningham, John T. New Jersey's five who signed

143. Spencer, Chris Who's who of Australian rock Fitzroy, Vic: Five Mile Press; 1993

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 68238
144. Spencer, Chris Who's who of Australian rock Noble Park, Victoria, Australia: Five Mile Press; 1996

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 3554261
145. Spencer, Chris Who's who of Australian rock Noble Park, Victoria, Australia: Five Mile Press; 2002

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 13253260
146. Hine, Lewis Wickes, 1874-1940 Some, but only a small part, of the workers who pick shrimp in the Biloxi Canning Factory. Ages range from five years upward. Little Bernice, on the end of line about five years old, and Olga, five years old (see photo taken inside the factory) help their mothers pick shrimp 1911 February

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 20687028
147. Who's who photogr. Plymouth, Vt: Five Corners Publications; c1991-

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 11392982
148. Hollem, Howard R. Naval air base, Corpus Christi, Texas. It's an intricate operation, installing a thirty-caliber machine gun in a Navy PBY plane, but not too trickey for Jesse Rhodes Waller. He's a Georgia man who's been in the Navy five and a half years. At the naval air base in Corpus Christi, Texas, he sees that flying ships are kept in tip-top shape. Waller is an avaition ordnance mate

149. Hollem, Howard R. Naval air base, Corpus Christi, Texas. It's an intricate operation installing a thirty-caliber machine gun in a Navy PBY plane, but not too tricky for Jesse Rhodes Waller. He's a Georgia man who's been in the Navy five and half years. At the naval air base in Corpus Christi, Texas, he sees that flying ships are kept in tip-top shape. Waller is an Aviation Ordnance Mate

150. Herbert, Victor, 1859-1924 He who'd thrive must rise at five

151. Hollem, Howard R. Naval air base, Corpus Christi, Texas. It's an intricate operation installing a 30-caliber machine gun in a Navy PBY plane, but not too tricky for Jesse Rhodes Waller. He's a Georgia man who's been in the Navy five and a half years. At the naval air base in Corpus Christi, Texas, he sees that flying ships are kept in tip-top shape. Waller is an aviation ordnance mate

152. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 [Untitled photo, possibly related to: Part of Bull tract near Marysville, California. Houses set on half and one acre lot are sold to workers who build their houses on them. No payment on principal are made for the first four years; interest payments start at three percent and go up to six percent by one percent increase yearly. At the end of four years payments on principal are due at rate of twenty to twenty-five percent annually. Land sells from two nudred to five hundred dollars per acre. Many migrants are settling in such tracts as these] 1940 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19912164
153. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Part of Bull tract near Marysville, California. Houses set on half- and one-acre lots are sold to workers who build their houses on them. No payments on principal are made for the first four years; interest payments start at three percent and go up to six percent by one percent increase yearly. At the end of four years payments on principal are due at rate of twenty to twenty-five per cent annually. Land sells from two hundred to five hundred dollars per acre. Many migrants are settling in such tracts as these 1940 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19912137
154. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Part of Bull tract near Marysville, California. Houses set on half and one acre lot are sold to workers who build their houses on them. No payment on principal are made for the first four years; interest payments start at three percent and go up to six percent by one percent increase yearly. At the end of four years payments on principal are due at rate of twenty to twenty-five percent annually. Land sells from two nudred to five hundred dollars per acre. Many migrants are settling in such tracts as these 1940 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19912139
155. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Mrs. Helen L.C. Lawrence who was born in Portugal and came to the United States and San Leandro, California when she was a young girl. She has always been active in civic affairs and was elected a member of the five-member council of San Leandro. The five members of the council elect a mayor from their group and Mrs. Lawrence was honored with this position. "I say honored though it has been mostly hard work. I was proud that I, a Portuguese by birth, should be deemed worthy of this office. The Portuguese people are well aware of the very great privileges they enjoy as citizens of this country and we all strive to be just as aware of the duties that citizenship brings." Mrs. Lawrence is a block warden in the civilian defense program 1942 Apr

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19997381
156. Women Who Know What War Means. A Montenegrin Mother and her daughter on their way to market with the product of their tiny farm outside of Podgoritza. The father and son of this family fell in the war and for five years, these two women have been living off the product of a half acre of rocky land. This crop of hay, they raised and gathered themselves. Now they are toting it on their backs to market. They did not know of the generosity that America was offering their land, and were surprised when stopped by an American Red Cross Officer and told that if they were in need of clothing and food, the Red Cross would supply them. The bundle of garments at the mothers feet was their present from America. It is the first new clothes they have had in five years 24 January 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19510240
157. Lee, Russell, 1903-1986 Part of Bull tract near Marysville, California. Houses set on half and one acre lot are sold to workers who build their houses on them. No payment on principal are made for the first four years; interest payments start at three percent and go up to six percent by one percent increase yearly. At the end of four years payments on principal are due at rate of twenty to twenty-five percent annually. Land sells from two nudred to five hundred dollars per acre. Many migrants are settling in such tracts as these 1940 Nov

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19912144
158. Full particulars of the life and execution of Catherine Wilson, a widow, aged 40, who is supposed to have poisoned five persons, to obtain their money, and having been sentenced to death for poisoning Mrs. Soames (one of her supposed five victims), was executed at Newgate on Monday, October 20th [Spitalfields]: [Taylor printer]; [1862?]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 22659648
159. Santa Comes In New Guise. For the first time in five years, Santa Claus visited the children of Montenegro this year. Being strictly up to date he appeared in an American military uniform, under the auspices of the Red Cross. Here are a group of children who benefited. They are just taking a peek at the bundles he left. The packages contain new garments, the first the children of Montenegro have seen in five years February 1920 [date received]

BIBFRAME Instances
Instance 19510399
160. A model farm according to the latest American ideas of intensive agriculture, is being established by the American Red Cross on the grounds surrounding the American hospital at Sarisbury, near Southampton. The Red Cross farm is in charge of Capt. Frank S. Peer, of Ithaca, N.Y. is a well-known international farmer and cattle breeder, who proposes to teach the convalescent American soldiers all they want to learn about modern farming. The photograph shows Mr. Peer's ideas of intensive farming as exemplified on his own farm on the little island of Guernsey, in the English channel. Here he is putting into effect all that he learned in many years of farming in Wayne County, N.Y. and at Cranford, N.J. of the little patch of ground shown in the photograph, Mr. Peer writes: We have just completed a week's feeding for ten head of full-grown cattle on seven square rods of oats and peas. The land was formerly a vegatable garden. The oats stand over five feet high, the land would probably grow at the rate of 5 tons of hay to the acre


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